macro help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fred, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest

    This is a macro that I found in the news group, but I get an error
    when I try and run it "type mismatch" any ideas why and what can be
    changed to solve it?

    it happens at "sMsg = "Enter the Path to the Drawings." & vbCrLf *
    "Make sure to end it with a \""

    Thanks for any help

    Option Explicit

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swPart As ModelDoc2
    Dim swDwg As DrawingDoc

    Const swDocDrawing = 3

    Sub main()
    Dim sPath As String
    Dim sFileSW As String
    Dim sFileDWG As String
    Dim sFileTitle As String

    Dim sMsg As String
    sMsg = "Enter the Path to the Drawings." & vbCrLf * "Make sure to
    end it with a \"
    sPath = InputBox(sMsg, "Enter Drawing Path", "C:\Temp\")
    If sPath = "" Then Exit Sub

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")

    sFileSW = Dir(sPath & "*.slddrw")
    Do While sFileSW <> ""
    'Open Drawing - Define Titles
    Set swPart = swApp.OpenDoc(sPath & sFileSW, swDocDrawing)
    Set swDwg = swPart
    'Save As DWG
    sFileDWG = Left(sFileSW, Len(sFileSW) - 6) & "DWG"
    swPart.SaveAs2 sPath & sFileDWG, 0, True, False
    'Close File
    sFileTitle = swPart.GetTitle
    swApp.CloseDoc sFileTitle
    'Next File
    sFileSW = Dir
    swApp.SendMsgToUser "Done!"
    End Sub
    Fred, Oct 14, 2003
  2. Replace the * with & (spaces on either side of it)

    Brenda D. Bosley, Oct 14, 2003
  3. i needed to slow down the computer for mouse clicking. i checked the
    time to do this. that way you can have it run 30 frames a second
    Sean Phillips, Oct 14, 2003
  4. Fred

    rocheey Guest

    Well, there are a few things to consider here.

    First off, you want to use a timer-based delay in your code; just
    running a do-loop somewhere with code will vary widely between

    The first obvious choice is to use the VB "Timer" control. But if you
    are using VBA, or using VB with no forms, this would not be available.

    If you *are* using VB, it might be easist to load an invisible form,
    but there is also another API event-driven timer available; check out
    the "SetTimer" and "KillTimer" API functions. This requires the
    "AddressOf" operator, which is not available in VBA, but is
    event-driven and can be run asychronously.

    If you are using VBA, you could always use the API "GetTickCount&"
    This basically returns the number of milliseconds since windows was
    booted. Since this is not event driven, you'll have to poll the timer
    yourself until the number of milliseconds has passed. The good thing
    is you dont have to deal with "Midnight rollover", which you'd have to
    do with a "real" timer.

    It has a Max resolution of 10ms, and seems to round 'up', so if you
    ask it to wait for 1ms, it returns after 10ms. If you ask it to wait
    30ms, it returns after 40ms.

    ' ---- snip ------------ snip -------------- snip ------------

    Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

    Sub main()
    API_Delay 1
    End Sub

    Public Sub API_Delay(milliseconds As Long)

    ' pauses code until the number of milliseconds,
    ' passed as a parameter, has expired. It has a max res of 10 ms.

    Dim StartTicks As Long, EndTicks As Long
    Dim tickcount As Long '

    StartTicks = GetTickCount
    EndTicks = StartTicks + milliseconds

    ' Delay a minimum of milliseconds passed
    tickcount = GetTickCount
    If tickcount > EndTicks Then Exit Do

    End Sub

    ' ---- snip ------------ snip -------------- snip ------------
    rocheey, Oct 15, 2003
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