Macro for iso view and zoom

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pfarnham, Apr 7, 2008.

  1. pfarnham

    pfarnham Guest

    'Many thanks to Ronnie for his helpful input

    'Here is a macro for changing the view to iso and then a zoom that
    replicates a user zoom.
    'This works on a directory level and gets each part document in turn.

    'Easy to change for assembly and drawing document by changing the
    'Const swDocType = ".SLDPRT"
    'Dim swModel As SldWorks.PartDoc

    'swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Isometric", -1
    'for drawings

    'questions I still have
    ' if there are constants, how can this be changed in the macro?
    'Also is there a way of having a user input box for directory and file
    types and closing Solidworks down
    ' after the 'macro has run?

    Dim Part As Object
    Dim SelMgr As Object
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean
    Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
    Dim Feature As Object
    Option Explicit

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.PartDoc
    Dim ReturnVal As Long
    Dim Response As String
    Dim DocName As String
    Dim Success As Boolean
    Dim DocType As String
    Dim swUpper As String
    Dim swDocTypeLong As Long

    Const workDir = "C:\A Solidworks WD\Waddington\" ' HERE YOU CHANGE THE
    DIRECTORY THAT YOU WANT TO UPDATE, remember the back slash at the end.
    Const swDocType = ".SLDPRT"

    Const readOnly = 0 ' 0-false 1-true
    Const viewOnly = 0 ' 0-false 1-true
    Const silent = 1 ' 0-false 1-true

    ' start of main program
    Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    swApp.Visible = True
    ChDir (workDir)
    Response = Dir(workDir)
    Do Until Response = ""

    Dim swName As String
    swName = workDir & Response

    swUpper = UCase$(Response)
    If Right(swUpper, 7) = swDocType Then

    If UCase$(swDocType) = ".SLDPRT" Then
    swDocTypeLong = swDocPART
    Stop 'Error Occured
    End If

    Dim nErrors As Long
    Dim nWarnings As Long

    Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(swName, swDocTypeLong,
    swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", nErrors, nWarnings)

    swModel.ShowNamedView2 "*Isometric", -1


    swModel.ForceRebuild3 False

    DocName = swModel.GetTitle
    ReturnVal = swModel.Save2(silent)

    swApp.CloseDoc DocName
    Set swModel = Nothing

    End If

    ' get the next filename

    Response = Dir


    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub
    pfarnham, Apr 7, 2008
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