Macro for creating parts from config

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by yozotrinity, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. yozotrinity

    yozotrinity Guest

    Is there a macro for creating separate parts from configurations of a single

    Or maybe it can be done without?

    yozotrinity, Oct 13, 2006
  2. yozotrinity

    Jean Marc Guest

    Yes, the long way: copy to a new name, delete unwanted configs, and again
    for the next one.

    Jean Marc, Oct 13, 2006
  3. yozotrinity

    JJ Guest

    I have one. I was on my former website. I will put it back on soon.

    kind regards,


    yozotrinity schreef:
    JJ, Oct 13, 2006
  4. yozotrinity

    Tin Man Guest

    I found this a while ago, but I've never used it.

    'Company: CADimensions, Inc.
    'Author: Steve Stojanovski ()
    'Date: December 4, 2003
    'Name: SaveConfiguration.swp
    'Type: SolidWorks Macro
    'Requires: SolidWorks 2003 or greater
    'Description: Allows you to save each configuration of the
    ' active SolidWorks part document to its own SolidWorks
    ' part document. The resulting files get saved
    ' to the same directory where the original
    ' SolidWorks part document resides.
    ' Each new document is named as follows:
    ' OriginalFileName (ConfigurationName).sldprt
    ' For example, if we had a Solidworks part document
    ' named "WASHER.SLDPRT" and had the following configurations:
    ' 2 inch dia
    ' 4 inch dia
    ' 6 inch dia
    ' We would end up with three new files in the same directory
    ' where "WASHER.SLDPRT" resides with the following names:
    ' WASHER (2 inch dia).SLDPRT
    ' WASHER (4 inch dia).SLDPRT
    ' WASHER (6 inch dia).SLDPRT
    ' The part "WASHER.SLDPRT" does not get modified in anyway.
    ' Each new part file will consist of one configuration (i.e
    ' "2 inch dia").
    ' If the configurations were created using a Design Table,
    ' the Design Table will be deleted from each new file, but NOT
    ' the original.
    ' If your configuration names have characters that are invalid
    ' for creating a filename in Windows, those invalid characters
    ' will be replaced with a single SPACE character. The following
    ' is a list of characters that will be replaced:
    ' "/" = forward slash
    ' "\" = back slash
    ' "*" = asterisk
    ' "?" = question mark
    ' """ = double quote
    ' "<" = less than
    ' ">" = greater than
    ' "|" = bar
    ' If you have configuration specific custom properties defined
    ' for each configuration, those will also exist in each file
    ' that is created as well.
    ' An example file "Example.sldprt" is included as an example.
    ' Open the file "Example.sldprt" in SolidWorks and run the macro
    ' to see the result.

    'Saves each configuration of a SolidWorks Part file to a separate file

    Option Explicit

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim ModelDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim ModelDocCopy As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim strNewFileName As String
    Dim ConfigNames As Variant
    Dim strActiveConfig As String
    Dim nCount As Long
    Dim nCountCopy As Long
    Dim RetVal As Long

    Sub Main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set ModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If Not ModelDoc Is Nothing Then
    If ModelDoc.GetType = 3 Then 'document is a drawing, exit sub
    MsgBox "Active document is not a SolidWorks part or
    assembly!", vbInformation
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If ModelDoc.GetPathName = "" Then 'model not saved
    MsgBox "Please save the model!", vbInformation
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Get all the configurations names into an array
    ConfigNames = ModelDoc.GetConfigurationNames

    'Get the active configuration so we can switch back to it when
    strActiveConfig = ModelDoc.GetActiveConfiguration.Name

    For nCount = 0 To UBound(ConfigNames)
    'Activate the configuration
    ModelDoc.ShowConfiguration2 ConfigNames(nCount)

    'Create a filename for the Save as copy
    strNewFileName = CreateNewFileName(ModelDoc.GetPathName,
    'Debug.Print strNewFileName

    'Save a copy of the file
    RetVal = ModelDoc.SaveAsSilent(strNewFileName, True)

    'Open the new file with the Correct Configuration
    Set ModelDocCopy =
    swApp.OpenModelConfiguration(strNewFileName, ConfigNames(nCount))

    For nCountCopy = 0 To UBound(ConfigNames)
    If ConfigNames(nCountCopy) <> ConfigNames(nCount) Then
    'Delete each configuration except the one that is
    the active one
    End If

    'Save and close the modelcopy
    swApp.CloseDoc ModelDocCopy.GetPathName
    Set ModelDocCopy = Nothing

    'Show the configuration that was active when we before we
    ModelDoc.ShowConfiguration2 strActiveConfig

    MsgBox "Finished!", vbInformation

    End If

    Set ModelDoc = Nothing
    Set ModelDocCopy = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing

    End Sub

    Function CreateNewFileName(strFileName As String, ByVal strCfgName As
    String) As String

    Dim objFS As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim strBaseName As String
    Dim strExt As String
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim strNewFileName

    Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    strBaseName = objFS.GetBaseName(strFileName)
    strExt = objFS.GetExtensionName(strFileName)
    strPath = objFS.GetParentFolderName(strFileName)

    'Add the config name to the base name
    strBaseName = strBaseName & " (" & strCfgName & ")"
    'add the extension
    strNewFileName = strBaseName & "." & strExt
    'Clean the filename to remove any invalid chars
    strNewFileName = CleanFileName(strNewFileName)
    'Build the full path
    strNewFileName = objFS.BuildPath(strPath, strNewFileName)

    'Return the new filename including the full path
    CreateNewFileName = strNewFileName

    Set objFS = Nothing

    End Function

    Function CleanFileName(ByVal strFileName As String) As String
    Dim InvalidChars As Variant
    Dim x As Integer

    'Create array of invalid filename chars
    InvalidChars = Array("/", "\", "*", "?", "''", "<", ">", "|")

    'Loop through the array and replace each instance of the invalid
    chars of the string
    For x = 0 To UBound(InvalidChars)
    strFileName = Replace(strFileName, InvalidChars(x), Space(1), ,
    , vbTextCompare)

    'Return the filename cleaned and trimmed
    CleanFileName = Trim(strFileName)

    End Function
    Tin Man, Oct 14, 2006
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