Macro Export Flat DXF Pattern

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Damian, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. Damian

    Damian Guest

    After spending much of yesterday searching thru the web for a macro to
    export a Flat Pattern from a drawing, I have got to the stage of asking for
    I need a macro that will automate a proses for me. The proses is as follows.

    1. From within a part I need to make a Drawing of a part with the drawing
    name being that of the config name
    2. Drawing needs to have 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has 4 views of the part and
    sheet 2 has a 1:1 flat pattern of the part.
    3. I need the drawing to be able to save itself to the same dir as the
    original part and also save the DXF as in the same dir with the name of the
    config part.

    I no that I am asking alot but I am quite new to this program and don't no
    to much about API or MACROS. All I'm after is a good starting point, maybe
    some examples or if by chance someone has needed the same and it's all been
    done before, then a push in the right direction.

    Damian Gillespie
    Couray Sheetmetal
    9 Apsley Plc.
    PH 03 97861609

    Damian, Jan 14, 2004
  2. Bob Hanson Wrote:

    If you have problems, feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards,

    Bob Hanson
    Centare Group, Ltd. - Custom
    Software and Systems Integration
    Robert Hanson, Jan 15, 2004
  3. Damian

    Deri Jones Guest

    I spent a while looking for something similar last year (I guess you are
    exporting parts for laser/plasma nesting or similar?) and didn't come up
    with anything useful thast would do exactly that then. Have a look at the
    dynabits ( site - they have a load of useful stuff there
    and may be able to help you put something together. There is also a canadian
    setup (can't find them on google web and I've cleaned out the favourite -
    anyone else got any ideas) that has a batch exporter for transferring sldrw
    files to DXF (this allows you to get rid of the "save as DXF step") - we
    produced SLDRW's for each part and then batched them overnight to DXF -
    worked fine.
    Sorry I can't be of more help!
    Deri Jones, Jan 17, 2004
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