Machine guarding layout in SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cutthroat.trout, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. I'm tasked with designing machine guarding for many many machines, all
    which are similar families, but different slightly from modifications
    over the decades. (Some since the 30's)

    I'm looking for a solution to accurately digitize 3D data, point clouds
    or something better, into SolidWorks.

    I've thought about a Faro arm type setup, but have no experience with
    it and therefore don't know how it would handle measuring machines much
    larger than it's max reach.

    Other than the "good" old tape measure, what if anything have all of
    you used out there for this type of application?

    Currently since we have such low accuracy in measuring and knowing the
    envelope of our machines, we tend to box things in much more generic
    than need be. If I knew better measurements, I could add things that
    would save the operator and maintenance mechanics time, and add to the

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 22, 2005
  2. cutthroat.trout

    ken.maren Guest

    Try looking up Revworks. They have a faro type system that you can put
    on a cart and get very accurate measurements and actually get data
    right into SolidWorks. A laptop and this system and you would be in
    ken.maren, Dec 22, 2005
  3. I know that Faro has a machine that will digitize a room - I think with
    laser scanning, but I don't know the details for sure. I also just told you
    about all I know about it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 22, 2005
  4. cutthroat.trout

    DiscDawg Guest

    I have been using an 8ft Faro arm and Revworks for a couple years to do
    reverse engineering on car sized objects. They usually require 1 or 2
    moves of the arm to get the data that is required for my needs. I find
    that Revworks is adequate for doing the simple point - plane type of
    data gathering. For anything that would require surfacing I would not
    recommend it. I have found that it is cumbersome at best for anything
    but small patches. Depending upon what data you are trying to gather
    and how large your envelope is, it is a good combination of tools for
    going directly into Solidworks. As for the accuracy, it sure beats the
    old tape measure. If you are doing simple structures that will bolt to
    existing equipment it will probably be accurate enough. If I remember
    what the salesman said correctly, the more you move your arm, the more
    accuracy you loose.
    DiscDawg, Dec 22, 2005
  5. cutthroat.trout

    lmar Guest

    lmar, Dec 23, 2005
  6. a friend of mine doing boat design told me of the need to capture-to-CAD
    handmade boat mold designs. He settled on and Raindrop
    Geomagic (he's also a fanatical Rhino user). He's into this solution for
    something on the order of $60K or so. If you have a lot of machines to do,
    then you **_may_** be able to justify this level of automation.

    Moe_Larry_Curly, Dec 23, 2005
  7. That looks rather promising actually...

    Especially considering the cost at $895.

    Has anyone used this technology for reverse engineering and
    fit-function type details?

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 23, 2005
  8. That's one solution I had wondered about, but not at that price.

    The photo scanners I have seen would only do small scale parts, but
    apparently this is larger.

    As is the price tag.

    cutthroat.trout, Dec 23, 2005
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