Machine designers needed

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Out of work or looking for work on the side?

    Do you have any machine design experience, and/or are you open to
    relocation? If either answer is "yes" then contact me. I'm now working
    'direct' for a consulting company in Charlotte, NC (formerly I was an
    independent), and we have more work than we can easily handle, designing
    machinery mostly. An extensive number of new machines for factory
    automation. It looks like it's going to last a while also, as long as
    we retain our biggest client. Work can be done out of your home on a
    consistent basis, but in order for there to be more than a bit of
    contract work you would have to be within easy driving distance of
    Charlotte and at least be available for meetings and trips to the
    factory we are automating. Otherwise there is the possiblity of a
    reasonably steady trickle of work like detailing parts and assemblies
    designed here and maybe sometimes some design work that can be done "in
    a vacuum".

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    E-Tech / Systems Integration (
    Charlotte, NC
    704-583-0635, extension 258

    If you email directly be sure to remove/replace the MUNGE info in my
    posted email address.
    Sporkman, Jul 16, 2003
  2. Hello Mark-

    Congrats Mark. E-Tech got themselves a real Pro.

    Please send me an e-mail. I'd like to recommend someone.
    I hosed-up trying to un-munge your posted address.

    Good Luck,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Jul 16, 2003
  3. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Done . . . and many thanks for the good words.

    Sporkman, Jul 17, 2003
  4. Wow,

    Really glad to hear you got yourself a good gig. They got a good man


    What type of automation ? That's really where my roots are.


    Mark Mossberg, Jul 17, 2003
  5. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Thanks very much for the good words and wishes, Mark. Yes, I'm very
    pleased that this work is so much like being independent. Lots of the
    pluses without quite so many of the minuses (like having to spend so
    much time beating the bushes for work). Among other things we're
    partially automating a factory where there's some metal fabrication
    going on (including heat treatment in hot salt bath, presses and
    automatic punch machines) and a lot of mechanical assembly. We're
    picking up a number of different parts, moving them to workstations and
    orienting them properly such that they get the work done on them
    automatically, also creating some new workstations, and creating
    end-of-the-line packaging solutions as well. There's a lot of work to
    be done. I'm just now getting into the nitty gritty. And it's pretty
    gritty (big, dirty shop gritty), but it's good also to get my hands
    dirty as a nice break from pounding the keyboard.

    Best regards,
    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    (the last Amigo)
    Sporkman, Jul 17, 2003
  6. Sporkman

    Rick Lussi Guest

    Hi Mark

    I have 16 years experience in machinery design, of which 15 is on CAD, first
    CATIA, then Pro/E and now SolidWorks. The machinery I have designed is
    mainly high precision automated production line type for the whiteware
    industry. I have also designed a number of vacuum moulds for refrigerator
    I am in New Zealand, so traveling to the factory is not possible. But if you
    are interested in sending some work my way, please contact me.


    Rick Lussi, Jul 17, 2003
  7. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Don't use the phone number given below today (Thursday). We're moving
    into new digs and the phones are all messed up. I hesitate to give my
    home phone or cell phone out, so at least for today you'll have to rely
    on email to contact me.

    Sporkman, Jul 17, 2003
  8. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Guess you're correct that you didn't de-munge my email address
    correctly. Have gotten no message from you. I'll try to de-munge YOUR
    email address and see if we can link up.

    Sporkman, Jul 17, 2003
  9. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Well I may indeed contact you, Rick, but probably a little later. Right
    now I'm concentrating mostly on those who might be willing and able to
    relocate to the Charlotte area. I wouldn't be surprised if we do have
    some overage coming up, even with some other part-time help we've

    Best regards,
    Sporkman, Jul 17, 2003
  10. Spork,

    Yea, I like to spend at least a couple hours in the shop every day making
    chips. Especially when I'm stumped over some problem. It's therapeutic.

    Our shop is really clean though, ya think I'd get more out of it if I messed
    it up ??? ;>)


    Mark Mossberg, Jul 17, 2003
  11. Spork,

    Yea, I like to spend at least a couple hours in the shop every day making
    chips. Especially when I'm stumped over some problem. It's therapeutic.

    Our shop is really clean though, ya think I'd get more out of it if I messed
    it up ??? ;>)


    Mark Mossberg, Jul 17, 2003
  12. Sporkman

    Mac Harper Guest

    I have 25+ years of machine design, much of it for use in hostile and
    abrasive surroundings. I have about 10 years on AutoCad, only a few months
    on SolidWorks. Also have decent background in hydraulics, electronics, and
    electrical controls. I can sure use the work. I live near Hartford,

    Did you receive email from me? I think that I successfully un-munged your
    address - got a reply from a server that it worked.

    Thanks in advance,
    Mac Harper
    Mac Harper, Jul 18, 2003
  13. mark my decrypter is broken and the MUNGE cant be removed. email or call
    your # is NOT in service?

    Ryan Hay
    Solid Design Systems Inc.

    519 886-8362
    Ryan Hay - SDSI, Jul 18, 2003
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