Mac Address Change

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Glenn, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. Mike Glenn

    Mike Glenn Guest

    I seem to have a different Mac address now than when I obtained my .lic file
    from Autodesk for my Civil design package. I tried to modify my .lic file
    and replace the Mac address that is in that file with the current Mac
    address but it still does not appear to work. Is there something else I
    need to do or is it not possible to change the Mac address in the .lic file
    without changing something else. After changing the file, I rebooted the
    machine hoping that the license manager would restart with the new file but
    no success. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.

    Mike Glenn
    Mike Glenn, Aug 25, 2004
  2. Hi Mike,

    You should first figure out why it's changing or you will continue to have
    this same issue. This is not something that you can change in the lic
    file. You would need to call in and get a new lic file.

    Hope this helps.

    Bud Schroeder
    AutoCAD Test Development
    Autodesk Inc.
    Bud Schroeder [Autodesk Inc.], Aug 26, 2004
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