
Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by graminator, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Has anyone tried the new M090 release of WF 3.0 for Vista? And?
    graminator, Jul 2, 2007
  2. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Currently we all have M070. Mine's the only computer with Vista. I'm
    wondering about compatibility the other computers in my section that
    run ProE on XP Pro. Should we all upgrade to the new M090 and is it
    compatible with XP as well as Vista? We usually have a policy of
    staying on the same date code.
    graminator, Jul 2, 2007
  3. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Now I've just had an email from PTC saying that M090 does not support
    Vista Enterprise, only Vista Business and Ultimate. Yet Enterprise is
    a package aimed at businesses, so they can spread payments for
    multiple licences. <SCREAM!>
    graminator, Jul 5, 2007
  4. graminator

    graminator Guest

    The website does say that. It's here:


    "Starting with Wildfire 3.0 M090, Windows Vista Business and Vista
    Ultimate will be supported in both 32 and 64 bit versions. Because
    PTC's hardware and graphics partners continue to address issues with
    the Vista platform, certified configurations for Vista will not be
    available until summer 2007. For additional information about
    supported platforms when they become available, visit the Platform
    Support page: http://www.ptc.com/partners/hardware/current/support.htm"
    graminator, Jul 9, 2007
  5. graminator

    graminator Guest

    I can't see it either. I would have been happy with XP but our IT guy
    wanted to put it on :-( Vista is apparently better from a security
    standpoint. Not that I think we had troubles before, and anyway, most
    of our workstations here are still on XP and the rest are Macs.

    It hasn't helped. My workstation is totally locked up now and all I
    did was try to save a file.
    graminator, Jul 13, 2007
  6. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Our IT guys have put in another hard on my workstation and set up XP
    on it, then reinstalled ProE and my other applications. They wanted to
    keep my old setup in case XP didn't improve things. And it hasn't! I'm
    still going slow (at times). Another guy has M090 on an XP
    workstation, an older workstation with less grunt than mine and it
    still goes faster than mine.

    So we've come to the conclusion that the problem is the graphics
    driver. We put an Nvidia driver for the Vista setup and even though
    it's now on XP we're still using that driver. I don't quite get it,
    but Nvidia uses DirectX, which I believe is M$'s attempt to oust
    OpenGL. OGL is embedded in DirectX rather than used directly and the
    release that DirectX uses is much older then the current OGL version.
    Something like that. So we're going to try a different graphics card
    next week.

    So the moral of the story is: stay the hell away from Vista for a long
    graminator, Jul 25, 2007
  7. graminator

    zxys Guest

    Yep,... and we know everyone will forget how slow Vista was/is in a
    1-2 years and yet we will waste/spend more to manage the M$ hog.
    It's called bend over progress... (thank you sir may I have

    zxys, Jul 25, 2007
  8. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Actually I'm wondering if the way I construct assemblies is affecting
    my display. Most of my parts have a merge feature as the first
    feature, which references back to a master part. I've always modeled
    this way since before copy geom came along, and as I don't have it in
    my Pro/Assembly package it seems to be the only way to parametrically
    reference a master part without making mulitple copy features. The
    preselect display sure goes haywire with a merge feature in the part.
    All the surfaces and curves that aren't even displayed all flash
    momentarily when my cursor moves over the model. Does anybody else
    hate that preselect function?
    graminator, Jul 27, 2007
  9. graminator

    David Janes Guest

    Actually I'm wondering if the way I construct assemblies is affecting
    my display. Most of my parts have a merge feature as the first
    feature, which references back to a master part. I've always modeled
    this way since before copy geom came along, and as I don't have it in
    my Pro/Assembly package it seems to be the only way to parametrically
    reference a master part without making mulitple copy features. The
    preselect display sure goes haywire with a merge feature in the part.
    All the surfaces and curves that aren't even displayed all flash
    momentarily when my cursor moves over the model. Does anybody else
    hate that preselect function?

    Only when I pass over something like a shrinkwrap or large skeleton part and the display just B--OO--GGGG----SSS D--O--W--NNNNNN. Actually, I put the shrinkwrap in there to SIMPLIFY display/regen (so maybe it simplified regen and complicated display!?!) So, maybe just (temporarily) turn off pre-select?

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jul 27, 2007
  10. graminator

    zxys Guest

    It maybe possible to some degree but personally, I'd suggest you
    switch to copy geometry, it's more flexible.

    zxys, Jul 29, 2007
  11. graminator

    graminator Guest

    And how do you turn off preselect? I can switch to "Annotation" but
    that only last until the next select, then it goes back to "Smart".
    graminator, Aug 1, 2007
  12. graminator

    graminator Guest

    Wish I could do copy Geom, but it's not included in my package.
    graminator, Aug 1, 2007
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