Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Moises Paniagua, May 16, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    I have a full-custom design, which I want to connect to a layout synthesized
    with Silicon Ensemble, so I would like to check the connections using LVS. I
    have created an extracted view and a symbol view from a the layout for this
    latter part. The symbol view is used in the schematics, while the extracted
    view is necessary for the file si.env:

    simViewList = '("extracted" "auLvs" "schematic")

    lvsLayoutViewList = '("auLvs" "extracted" "schematic")

    lvsSchematicViewList = '("extracted" "auLvs" "schematic")

    My problem is that this solution seemed to work. However it was not true and
    if there is a bad connection between the full-custom design and the layout
    synthesized with Silicon Ensemble, LVS says nothing about it. I have tried
    to repeat the same process writing "symbol" in simViewList,
    lvsLayoutViewList and lvsSchematicViewList instead of "extracted", but I
    cannot run LVS because appears the following message:

    (_route_interface symbol) in route_interface library has been changed since
    it was last extracted.

    As you can imagine, I've saved and created this symbol several times, but
    the problem is still the same.

    Many thanks

    Moises Paniagua, May 16, 2004
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