LVS problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Allen, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. Allen

    Allen Guest

    I am designing a hugh circuit which has 600 transistors, the layout was
    done by layout XL, it passed DRC and was extracted. However I got more
    than 2000 LVS errors, more than 1500 are for "device doesn't not
    match", I checked both schematic and layout carefully, the devices are
    the same! Has anyone had such problems before? Thanks.
    Allen, Apr 26, 2006
  2. Allen

    mk Guest

    check your rule file, recognition rules and layers they refer to and
    verify against which layers the layout uses and how devices are drawn
    vs recognized.
    mk, Apr 26, 2006
  3. Allen

    danmc Guest

    have you verified that you can lay out a 2 transistor circuit and have
    it pass LVS with your tools as configured and used? Start small.

    Have you run LVS on your subcircuits? Surely you don't have 600
    transistors in a single cell.

    danmc, May 3, 2006
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