LVS not recognizing poly cap

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kaustav, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. kaustav

    kaustav Guest


    am having a problem while trying to layout a poly capacitor while using
    AMS 3.40 with the tech -csd option.
    The predefined layout in PRIMLIB for cpoly shows metal1 contacts to
    poly1 and poly2 layers.
    I am using the same layers with dimensions modified.
    If I use the 'Mark Net' option it shows both metal contacts to be on
    the same net.
    LVS then fails to recognize the capacitor since it cannot distinguish
    two separate terminals.

    I thought this might be caused by the layer CONT being common to both
    poly1-metal1 and poly2-metal1 contacts.
    So I extended poly2 outside poly1 and made the poly2-metal1 contact in
    the extended region.
    DRC now gives the error 'E1P1P2'
    any solutions/workarounds to this?

    kaustav, Jul 14, 2005
  2. Kaustav,

    The version 3.40 is old. The CSD process is an old process replaced
    by the C35 process.
    You have to ask a new version of the design-kit (the actual
    supported version is 3.70).


    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Jul 21, 2005
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