lvs and cdl netlists

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by kev, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. kev

    kev Guest

    Hi all,

    I am having terrible trouble trying to do a simple lvs on a standard
    I have an inverter instanciated in my test schematic. I have a cdl
    supplied for this inverter. It will not LVS. I have included the
    netlist under the
    netlisting options on the top of the assura form - I am not sure if it
    is even being used
    and I get an error saying lastSchemticProperty was not set on my
    testbench schematic.
    I don't want to use block boxes. We have a cdl with transistors so I
    really want to compare.
    Someone must have encountered this problem before....any ideas/help?

    kev, Apr 5, 2007
  2. kev

    S. Badel Guest

    and I get an error saying lastSchemticProperty was not set on my
    I guess you have created yourself a symbol for the inverter.

    You need to create an auLvs view for it, so that assura treats this component as a leaf cell when
    netlisting. If this view is missing, it'll try to switch to another view, eventually it will fail
    because it cannot find a switch view or finds a wrong one (symbol in your case, i guess).

    To create auLvs view, copy the symbol view to auLvs. You may need to edit the CDF simInfo.

    S. Badel, Apr 5, 2007
  3. kev

    kev Guest

    Hi Stephane,

    No I had the symbol but created a spectre view so that I can simulate
    it in artist with the cdl netlist converted to spectre format. I have
    tried to update the simIfo section with the pin sames but I guess I
    need some information regarding the netlsitprocedure etc. Now I have
    the following errors:

    Running Artist Hierarchical Netlisting ...
    *Error* Cell: INVX20 in library: KK_TEST is missing a simInfo
    section in it's CDF for the current simulator.
    *Error* artIsCallablep: argument #1 should be either a string or a
    symbol (type template = "S") - n

    I have emailed cadence support but I think they are away for Easter
    hols...Anyone got any idea what
    to put in the siminfo section..

    kev, Apr 5, 2007
  4. kev

    mikelou Guest

    For LVS, try removing symbol from the "view list" on the netlist
    mikelou, Apr 6, 2007
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