Luis and Joe, This what I needed!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rudy Tovar, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    ;Use for 2d LINE points within xrefs or blocks.
    ;(matrix block_insertion block_point block_rotation)
    (defun Matrix (ins pt ro)
    (setq p1 (polar ins ro (car pt))
    p2 (polar p1 (+ ro (dtr 90)) (cadr pt))
    Rudy Tovar, Sep 15, 2004
  2. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    What doesn't seem to work?

    I'm using 'NENTSEL' to select a LINE in an xref file,(in my case) and have
    it position return relative to the current drawing mspace.
    Rudy Tovar, Sep 16, 2004
  3. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Yes, you're right.

    I didn't add the other functions because I figured it didn't need the
    mirrored, scale, but it does follow a rotated block or xref.

    The others are just a matter of division or multiplication, and orientation
    that could easily be added.

    In fact, i will be adding those additional conditions later.

    For the current utility it will work fine, but to be bullet proof, I know
    I'll need to add those other fields.

    Simple huh?
    Rudy Tovar, Sep 16, 2004
  4. Rudy Tovar

    Joe Burke Guest

    It may be simple for you, given your programming experience. But it ain't so on my
    end, given my relative lack of such.

    See the functions I posted this evening in your other thread about use of @PTrans.
    For me, those three functions replace John Uhden's and Larry Leuallen's work, which
    they so graciously shared. Not to mention functions I use by Vladimir Nesterovsky.

    I'm just building on what others have done. Testing my approach would have been a
    nightmare if I didn't have John's and Larry's functions as a benchmark.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 16, 2004
  5. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Sorry, I didn't mean to put anyone down.

    Rudy Tovar, Sep 16, 2004
  6. Rudy Tovar

    Joe Burke Guest


    I didn't think you were putting anyone down.

    Joe Burke, Sep 16, 2004
  7. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Just curious Joe, what do you think of my utility, and do you think I'm
    reinventing the wheel?
    Rudy Tovar, Sep 16, 2004
  8. Rudy Tovar

    Joe Burke Guest


    I'm off to work right now. I'll have to reply later.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 16, 2004
  9. Rudy Tovar

    Joe Burke Guest


    It's certainly a unique approach I wouldn't have thought of. So in that sense... it's
    not reinventing the wheel.

    But I can't help stepping back from the details of threads subsequent to your
    original, "Trans or other?" Where you said, "This must also take into consideration
    that the xref can be rotated, mirrored or moved." I'm assuming you simply forgot to
    mention scaled.

    Both you and Luis have posted partial solutions to the more general issues at hand. I
    have to ask, with all due respect, why bother with half-baked solutions when full
    featured solutions are available?

    Please understand, I don't mean to argue with you or Luis. I'm well aware both of you
    are far more experienced with this stuff than I am.

    BTW, the driving force behind ObjMatrix and InverseObjMatrix was not related to
    translating points WCS<>OCS. That (the TransPt function) was a fringe benefit. My
    primary goal was using these functions with vlax-tmatrix and the transformby method.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Sep 17, 2004
  10. Rudy Tovar

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Thanks Joe for your comments.

    When I'm complete with the rest of conditions I'll post the code.

    I hope you understand, to us it's a matter of condensing the code and making
    it faster.

    Let's say someone wrote a piece of code that would do some sort of function,
    that was 1/2 a page long. More than likely we would try and simplify it and
    condense it so that you wouldn't have to go through so many cycles were it's
    just a waste of time.

    To me, I'm always trying to find a faster method, without having to create
    so many sub-functions.
    Rudy Tovar, Sep 17, 2004
  11. Joe Burke wrote:


    Strange how things happen. I am the Larry Leuallen to whom you refer
    above. I am glad that somebody got some use out of the functions I
    developed. I remember John and I going at it here on the board.

    I have been away from Acad programming since shortly after I wrote those
    functions. To ice the cake, I recently had a house fire (bad) and lost
    much of the data that I had developed over the years. I just got a new
    computer and am in the process of piecing together what I can from
    partially restored hard drives and smoky CD's (got to clean them
    first!). So, anyway, I just got the newsgroups installed and was
    scanning the messages when I saw my name and thought I'd say hi.

    By the way, those matrix functions were developed for a personal project
    I was writing. I was a comprehensive distance and angle function with an
    ObjectDCL interface. Pick any object that had a length or angle and it
    would return the length and angle and optionally store it for future
    use. The matrix functions were required to get the length of curves that
    were part of a block. Well to cut to the chase, I wanted the data to be
    persistent across sessions by writing it out to a file and reading it
    back in. That did not work because of round off errors. I'd have the
    displayed distance 15.00000... and it displayed back as 15.00000...1 or
    14.9999.... Ticked me off so I dropped the project. Other than that, I
    never used the matrix functions I developed. It would have been nice to
    pick a critical length from one Acad dwg and a couple of days latter
    recall it with full precision and use it in another dwg.

    If I get things sorted out I may rejoin the Acad programming community
    and give that program another whack.

    Peace and love,
    Larry Leuallen, Sep 27, 2004
  12. Rudy Tovar

    Joe Burke Guest

    Hi Larry,

    Good to hear from you. I believe I joined the NG since you haven't been around. So
    you are a bit of a mystery guru on my end.

    Here's a twist. The reason I became interested in you functions was for a program
    which measures the angle between two lines or pline segments. I wanted it to work
    with objects in xrefs and blocks. It wasn't much use otherwise. So I incorporated
    yours and John's functions. Eventually it worked well, thank you. BTW, I also store
    the measured angle in a global symbol so it can be used to rotate objects by the
    angle. Handy.

    Regarding the accuracy issue, I'll suggest something you surely know. There's a
    recent thread dated 9/28 named "mathematical anomaly". I posted a function there
    which uses rtos to round off those kinds of errors. Basically process the number
    using string functions and spit it back out with atoi in this case, or atof in your
    case. I think something like that would fix the problem.

    I'm certainly curious if you have an opinion about the matrix functions I posted
    recently. I've since incorporated those into the angle function and others which need
    similar transformations. For instance, copy an object from an xref using transformby
    and vlax-tmatrix. The driving force behind those functions was to return a matrix or
    inverse matrix simply by passing a block reference. Using them to transform a point
    was sort of icing on the cake.

    Hope to see you here in the future.

    Joe Burke
    Joe Burke, Oct 1, 2004
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