LTscale Change Via Reactor.... ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bratz2, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Bratz2

    Bratz2 Guest

    How can I get a reactor to trigger a setting such as LTscale when someone switches back, and forth from MS to PS via the "Layout Tabs", or by using tilemode?
    Bratz2, Sep 12, 2003
  2. Bratz2

    Warren Trost Guest

    Here is one way to do it.  This was posted here, author's name not remembered, with modifications to fit my needs.  I load it with my ACADDOC.LSP file.


    ;;  ChangedLayout.lsp
    ;;  changes LTSCALE when switching MODEL/PAPER.


    (defun ChangedLayout (reactor layout / )
      (if (= FACI "PAULENG")     ; SET DIMSCALE/LTSCALE = 1.0
        (if (= (nth 0 layout) "Model")
          (setvar "ltscale" (* (getvar "dimscale") 1.0 ))
            (setvar "ltscale" 1.0)
            (setvar "psltscale" 1)


        (if (= (nth 0 layout) "Model") ; else set to 0.5
          (setvar "ltscale" (* (getvar "dimscale") 0.5 ))
            (setvar "ltscale" 0.5)
            (setvar "psltscale" 1)


    (if(not *LayoutLTS*)
      (setq *LayoutLTS* (VLR-Miscellaneous-Reactor nil '(:)VLR-layoutSwitched . ChangedLayout))))


    ;;;  change 0.5 above to the scale factor you normally use



    "Bratz2" <> wrote in message news:...

    How can I get a reactor to trigger a setting such as LTscale when someone switches back, and forth from MS to PS via the "Layout Tabs", or by using tilemode?
    Warren Trost, Sep 12, 2003
  3. Bratz2

    Bratz2 Guest

    Now, how would I change this to be a constant ltscale of 25 when in model space? The 0.5 is perfect, it's what he use in this office.
    Bratz2, Sep 12, 2003
  4. Bratz2

    Bratz2 Guest

    Thank you. I took a few minutes out, and got it to switch between MS/PS with constant values, thanks for all the help
    Bratz2, Sep 12, 2003
  5. Bratz2

    jclaidler Guest

    The only problem with this code, is what happens when dimscale is 0 in PS ??
    jclaidler, Sep 15, 2003
  6. Bratz2

    Warren Trost Guest

    I don't use "0" so I don't know.  I only modified the code that was posted here earlier.

    "jclaidler" <> wrote in message news:...

    The only problem with this code, is what happens when dimscale is 0 in PS ??
    Warren Trost, Sep 15, 2003
  7. Bratz2

    Bratz2 Guest

    I removed the dimscale. See the attached, don't know if it's dirty, or what but it seems to work fine for me. Any improvements would be a welcome...
    Bratz2, Sep 16, 2003
  8. Bratz2

    Bratz2 Guest

    The only thing about this is, when switching to PS from MS, you have the "appearance" that the LT is wrong but a quick regen, will change that. I tried messing with the "Cache Last Layout", Cache all Layouts", etc, but didn't seem to have any affect.
    Bratz2, Sep 16, 2003
  9. Bratz2

    jclaidler Guest

    What's wrong with this:

    ;; ChangedLayout.lsp
    ;; changes LTSCALE when switching MODEL/PAPER.

    (defun ChangedLayout (reactor layout / )
      (if (= (nth 0 layout) "Model") ; else set to 0.5
    (setq Fac (/ 12 (* 12 (caddr (trans '(0 0 1) 2 3)))))
    (setvar "dimscale" Fac)
    (setvar "ltscale" (* (getvar "dimscale") 0.5 ))
        (setvar "ltscale" 0.5)

    (if(not *LayoutLTS*)
      (setq *LayoutLTS* (VLR-Miscellaneous-Reactor nil '(:)VLR-layoutSwitched . ChangedLayout))))
    jclaidler, Sep 16, 2003
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