LT 2006 z axis problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by argusy, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. argusy

    argusy Guest

    I have 50+ drawings that were originally drafted in LT2000.

    Since upgrading to LT 2006, a lot of these drawings appear to be corrupted, but
    LT doesn't seem to know that

    What's happened is that some lines in these drawings have somehow developed a z
    axis with a depth of 30908 units.

    Becomes very obvious with dview

    Resetting the ucs to world and then setting plan to current ucs didn't work.

    "Flatten" only works in 2006, not LT 2006.

    What does work is selecting a line's property and resetting the start and end of
    the z axis to zero, so what I could do is select all lines, open the properties
    box, and reset the z axis on both ends to 0.

    I could take a year off (only exaggerating slightly) and fix these lines, but I
    don't think my boss would wear that

    Does anyone know a way of resetting these lines back to zero using a bulk
    method, or a fix to get rid of the 30908 long z axis?

    This is a really, really pain in the arse situation. I can work around it by
    ignoring the incorrect distance measurements and use delta x or delta y, but
    that's not the point with autocad, is it?

    argusy, Jan 25, 2006
  2. argusy

    argusy Guest

    Byron Turner pointed out the Tools "Quick select" feature.
    Used some nous with it, and fixed all the lines with a z axis.
    This feature is even in LT 2000 - never got round to it.
    Marvellous innit - land full of kangaroos... whoops! wrong song
    Marvellous innit - all these features, and still learning them

    argusy, Jan 26, 2006
  3. argusy

    argusy Guest

    Have now installed LT Express, which has "flatten".
    much quicker again, and worth its weight in gold

    argusy, Jan 28, 2006
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