LSW window

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Hristo Brachkov, Nov 10, 2003.

  1. Hello

    It's not of any critical importance, I'm just curious - have you noticed
    that after you open a layout and LSW window opens it is not possible to
    close it unless you exit Cadence. Does anybody know why it is done so?

    Hristo Brachkov, Nov 10, 2003
  2. Hristo Brachkov

    B Guest

    You can close it without quiting, however this is not recommaded (by
    cadence) . If it bothers you just iconify it.
    B, Nov 10, 2003
  3. It just is...

    Now, something may be done about this in the future, but for now
    you can workaround this by assigning yourself bindkeys for leUnmapLSW() and
    leRemapLSW() - this removes and re-adds the LSW back again...

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 10, 2003
  4. Hristo Brachkov

    Partha Guest

    You could make the LSW appear and disspear by the following commands,
    Remove - leUnmapLSW()
    Appear - leRemapLSW()

    I have the following function, to use a bindky as a toggle for the LSW,
    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "<KEY>F1" "MapLSW()")

    (defun MapLSW ()
    (let ()

    if( leRemapLSW()
    Partha, Nov 10, 2003
  5. Partha,

    BTW, there is no point having the (let () in your code - since there are no local
    variables. It is (very, very slightly) less efficient to use this additional function if you
    don't need it - and it makes the code longer and less readible.

    (defun) and (procedure) can take multiple function calls in the body; the
    return value is the last thing executed.

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 10, 2003
  6. Hristo Brachkov

    Partha Guest

    Thank you for your observations, i will keep that in mind.

    Partha, Nov 11, 2003
  7. Hristo Brachkov

    Partha Guest

    So, why does the LSW not get removed when the layout is closed, is that a bug?
    Can you throw some light on why this is happening?
    If its a bug is it fixed in IC 5041?

    Partha, Nov 11, 2003
  8. Thanks for the reply. It's fun being able to close LSW window, but my
    question was why it is done so it not possible to close it.


    Hristo Brachkov, Nov 11, 2003
  9. Hristo Brachkov

    Rajeswaran M Guest

    I got some idea, from this conversation.

    Integerating LSW window in to layout window !!

    (Not much innovative, as this LSW kind of things already present in
    other vendors)

    It will be more useful when user tries to set different visible
    settings for different windows.

    I guess it would be very tough in implementation point of view.
    However moving towards that direction will be good for long term !!
    Rajeswaran M, Nov 11, 2003
  10. From my point of view the separation of the LSW and the layout
    window is good and gives more flexibility.

    I would love having the ability to display multiple
    columns in LSW. In the modern processes there are lots
    of layers (hundreds), and scrolling each time in the LSW
    is painful.
    Also moving the layer icons with mouse to custom their order
    would be a great option.

    I'm doing the layer ordering with different .drf files, but
    it is not enough flexible.

    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Nov 11, 2003
  11. Hristo Brachkov

    Erik Wanta Guest

    The PCR for the LSW improvement is PCR# 342980. Please open a case on
    sourcelink and mention the PCR so that we can get Cadence to change
    the status from inactive to active and get this fixed.

    Erik Wanta, Nov 11, 2003
  12. As part of some major work on the UI that is being done right now, one
    of the things being considered is making the LSW dockable. i.e you can
    have it separate, or have it docked. Think photoshop...

    I don't want to go into more details right now as it's a bit early to be talking

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 11, 2003
  13. It's not a bug - it's always been this way. It's a feature ;->
    I don't believe this will be changing in IC5041 (maybe after that...)

    Andrew Beckett, Nov 11, 2003
  14. Hristo Brachkov

    Ron C Guest


    That defun MapLSW example seemed to only open the LSW.
    I could not find a function to test whether the LSW was
    mapped or not. I tried the BBox, but it always returns
    the box whether mapped or not, so if you know of a window
    handle or replacement test function for the BBox test here,
    then this looks more appropriate:

    (defun MapLSW ()
    if( leGetLSWBBox()

    But, in Mapping and Unmapping the LSW, it comes back up
    in random places. So I would think just iconifying it
    to be more appropriate:

    (defun MapLSW ()
    if( leIsLSWIconified() then
    Ron C, Nov 13, 2003
  15. Ron,

    If I remember rightly, leIsLSWIconified() will return t if the LSW is
    unmapped or iconified - so it ought to work if you just replace
    the leIconifyLSW() in your second example with leUnmapLSW()
    (and doing the leDeiconifyLSW() should take care of the re-mapping

    I'm on a dialup connection right now so can't easily check this, but
    from memory I think this is right. Not sure why it comes up in random
    locations - I'm guessing that this might be window manager specific, but
    it does sound a little strange - I'd not have expected that.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 13, 2003
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