lsp not working

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mec1, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. mec1

    mec1 Guest

    I can't get my lsp program to function properly. It states that "L:\ cl.lsp not found" even though I am connected to the proper drive and the lsp programs are there. I'm guessing that my lsp program is not starting when it should when I enter AutoCAD but, to be honest, I'm not sure how to get it running. I've checked the box in the Config window that should get it running but it's not. Sorry for a basic question but I'm at a loss
    mec1, Jan 6, 2004
  2. mec1

    BillZ Guest

    No one here can really tell what's wrong unless you post the code or give more info.

    One thing I can see from what you posted that may be wrong.
    A single backslash in the path L:\ cl.lsp will not work. And if this string is in the load function, you won't need the .lsp in the string.
    (load "L:/ cl") should work.

    BillZ, Jan 6, 2004
  3. mec1

    pdb Guest

    make sure you have a search path (options - file - support file search path) to the map where the lisp program stand

    Message was edited by: pdb
    pdb, Jan 6, 2004
  4. mec1

    ECCAD Guest

    I see that the 'echo' message states "L:\cl.lsp".. indicating that it is trying to find 'L:\cl.lsp' - so path is probably OK. I normally use the (load "L:/cl.lsp") as Bill stated. Try to manually load it,
    like: Command: (load "L:/cl.lsp")
    If this does not work, review your network "L:" drive setting.
    If in DOS shell, you cannot 'see' L: drive (Dir L:\*.*), then your
    network drive is not pointed to the right place.
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
  5. mec1

    mec1 Guest

    I loaded the program manually and it worked. The only problem now is I would have to manually load each lsp program in order to use it. I was in error in my initial request, the exact error message is L:CL.LSP not found. I mistakenly put in the backslash. I'm a little frustrated because I am the only on in our group to have this problem. Not sure what I did to cause this but any additional help would be appreciated.
    mec1, Jan 6, 2004
  6. mec1

    mec1 Guest

    Thanks for the speedy reply.
    Sorry, I was mistaken. There is no backslash in the error message. I'm afraid that I wouldn't know what code to post; I'm not that familiar with the lsp program. My coworkers can use the lsp programs with no problems so I'm not quite sure what I did to cause this. I followed the advise of another reply and I can manually load a program but only that program. I would have to manually load each of the programs that I use for the day (it seems). I must be doing something in the initial loading when AutoCAD boots up but I'm not sure.
    mec1, Jan 6, 2004
  7. mec1

    ECCAD Guest

    No, you don't have to load each manually. That was to test if the file (could) be loaded. You need a "\\" or a "/" in the
    (load "L:/ cl.lsp").
    If this is from a menu macro. Do:
    [Load some Lisp]^c^c(load "L:/cl.lsp")
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
  8. mec1

    mec1 Guest

    My L: drive is correctly mapped which is why I'm frustrated. The drive is there, the program is there. I can access the drive but it tells me that it's not found.
    mec1, Jan 6, 2004
  9. mec1

    ECCAD Guest

    If in NT O.S., the 'Case' may be the problem. Upper / vs / Lower case.
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
  10. mec1

    ECCAD Guest

    In review of your responses, it looks like your startup Lisp or .mnl file got changed. Try to copy your startup files from
    a co-worker (since you said you are the only one that has the problem). The error indicates that the 'routine' that loads the L:\cl.lsp needs (2) \ characters. Somewhere in your startup Lisp, there is a "Load" function trying to load the L:\cl.lsp file and failing to do so.
    Perhaps your system admin can assist.
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
  11. mec1

    mec1 Guest

    Copied over the two .mnl files that I could find but still no go. To top it all off, when I start AutoCAD (without entering a drawing, just the default Drawing1.dwg) I can use my lisp programs (cc, cl, etc). When I go into one of my drawings, they don't work. Nice touch.
    I looked around inside acad.mnl (and a few others) but couldn't find a Load L: (or similar). Is there another place I should look? I have a feeling that my best option might be to reinstall since I'm really not that familiar with the lisp programs (I just use them and the one that wrote them doesn't work here anymore).
    mec1, Jan 6, 2004
  12. mec1

    ECCAD Guest

    If you would prefer: call 810-639-7093, we can probably get to the bottom of this.
    Bob Shaw
    ECCAD, Jan 6, 2004
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