Low cost Virtual Reality?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Smiley, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Smiley

    Smiley Guest

    I originally posted to the "stereo3D Problem" topic, but decided to
    move to a new thread now that I have some new info;

    I've come across www.cymouse.com, which sells a 6dof head tracker
    for under $100. (though for some reason one of the angles is
    supressed) It has 1mm positional accuracy, and 1degree angle accuracy.
    This headtracker is the final element, and should make virtual reality
    very cheap to implement. However, their product is marketed as a mouse
    alternative, not a VR product.

    I've E-mailed the company, asking if they have or know of any VR or
    CAD software which is compatable with their drivers. Here is his

    The data output of Cymouse is rather basic. At the end, you have five
    coordinates representing the position of the mobile sensor. The
    coordinates are floating point precise, however, the precision can be
    scaled down if not needed. I guess it would depend on how the
    SolidWorks interface expects the incoming information. I know that
    the current product does not attempt to interface with any other
    hardware on the system, but that doesn't mean such a thing could not
    be done.


    I am really puzzled that no company has jumped on this. It probably
    wouldn't take much code to implement.

    Joe Dunfee
    Smiley, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Smiley

    Brian Park Guest

    The key to a tracker is latency - how quickly can it detect change in
    position or velocity or acceleration, convert that to numbers and feed it
    sensibly to the CPU. Any delay over 10ms is detectable by a decent
    responsive human, and the lag can cause dizziness, loss of spatial
    awareness, and so on (the puke factor). ie. You move your head, the image
    takes a while to catch up. With S/W complex graphics, the delay would be
    even longer. Stick to flat screens. HMDs don't cut it in CAD.

    an old VR thespian

    Brian Park, Oct 28, 2003
  3. Smiley

    Smiley Guest

    [Your reply too over a day on Google. I tried posting this not via
    another server, but ran into problems, so it may appear twice)

    In my case, I am actually thinking about fishtank VR. I.e. just
    using a desktop 19" monitor. Is this type of system as suceptible to
    delay issues?

    I am guessing that the result will be that the object seems to be
    less fixed in place... perhaps "sloshing" around a bit in its

    Ultimately, my goal is not for myself. When another person looks
    over my shoulder at a complex model, all they see just a bunch of
    colored lines criss-crossing the screen. But because I already know
    what I am looking at, it is possible for me to see the 3d object.

    Of course, the Shaded images, and just regular orbiting is a major
    help. But there are still many times I will go up to the storage area
    to see something created before I came to the company. The reason I
    must do this, is that the real object is MUCH easier to understand
    than a CAD 3d model.

    I am speculating that stereo vision is not necessarily the most
    important aspect of this. Just being able to bob your head around to
    look at something seems to be an important part of seeing it. Is this
    true in your experience?

    Finally, is a "Fishtank VR" system as suceptible to delay issues and

    Smiley, Oct 29, 2003
  4. Smiley

    Smiley Guest

    Just an update. I tried the Cam2Pan software
    http://www.mousevision.com (a free 30 day trial, and you use your own

    The results were interesting. I used the rotate view command, with
    the settings for its sensitivity way down. I also set the speed on
    the Cam2Pan software very low (values like 3 to 6)

    I can't seem to get the view angle to really coordinate with my
    viewpoint, if the object were really inside the monitor. I am still
    playing around with it. I haven't tried it with stereo glasses yet.

    Just to give you something to play with over the weekend.

    Joe D
    Smiley, Oct 31, 2003
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