Lost Link.....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mrcswp, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. mrcswp

    mrcswp Guest

    Ok guys here is the situation......!

    14 users....all with their part, assembly, and the miriad of drawing
    templates, linked to one central location on the network.

    2 users....linked to a carbon copy of the network, on our local
    computers. Same file structure as the network. Just local instead of on
    the network. The reason this is being done is to test flakiness of out
    inept network.

    Ok, not to the meat and potatoes of the whole reason I'm posting. Every
    once in a while, for unknown reasons so far, someones templates will be
    gone. I go to the file locations in tools ops, and it is empty. They
    "claim" they didnt do anything with them, I have to beleive them, but
    you never know! I can relocate the folder where they are, and they are
    fine. I cant find a pattern, nor can I find a reason why this is
    happening. I do know that on the two computers that ARE NOT linked to
    the network, have never had this problem. Could it be....a hiccup on
    the network, causing them to lose their links?
    Thanks in advance!
    mrcswp, Sep 14, 2004
  2. ----<Big Clip
    ----<End Big Clip

    Dear Mr. CSWP,
    This is a stretch but it's the only thing I can think of that
    would delete "file locations". When you boot-up SW & start a new
    document and a network connection has been lost or if a user takes
    a laptop home and then boots-up SW, starts a new document and is
    basically running off the network, then there is a message that
    pops up that states:

    "Some folders specified in the file locations for document templates
    do not exists, do you want them to be removed from the list?"

    If a user is unsure of the message or inadvertently answers "Yes",
    then the "file location" is deleted or remeoved as specified.
    Like it or not, this is how SW is trying to help you keep your
    options in order. Funny thing is that this particular setting is the
    only one SW cares anything about. Kind of like, "Thanks for nothing."
    Anyway, you can check this out by yourself by simply yanking your
    network connection on a PC.
    Good Luck,
    Eddie Cyganik, Sep 17, 2004
  3. mrcswp

    mrcswp Guest

    I bet your right. Our network is so unstable, that its probably losing
    the connection, someone starts a new document, and then they accidently
    remove the file location. I never even thought to ask the users if that
    is what they were doing. I guess its because I think of them as
    competant users and can understand things like that. Maybe not!!
    thanks for your input.

    mrcswp, Sep 20, 2004
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