Lost Drawing Link

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by fhazlehurst, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. fhazlehurst

    fhazlehurst Guest

    I've got a model & drawing in SW2005 that seem to have become
    disconnected. If I open the drawing file, I can right click on the
    model name in a view in the feature manager and open the part. But, if
    I open the model only, then right click on the model name in feature
    manager to open the drawing, SW does not find the drawing. Apparently
    I've lost the link between the model and drawing.
    Any ideas how I can reconnect these 2 files?
    fhazlehurst, Dec 9, 2005
  2. fhazlehurst

    Sporkman Guest

    Are the Drawing file and model file named EXACTLY the same? If not, the
    model won't know where to look. The Drawing is linked to the model, so
    it always finds the proper model to open, but the model is not linked to
    the Drawing internally.

    Sporkman, Dec 9, 2005
  3. fhazlehurst

    Brian Guest

    When you right click and "open drawing" SW will say something about not
    being able to find the model and ask if you would like to find it yourself
    ( something to that effect ). Simply browse to your drawing and select it.
    When you save that drawing the references will be updated.

    This typically happens when you have models and drawings of differing
    names, then relocate them with windows explorer. When you tell sw to open
    the drawing from the model, it looks for its old referenced path name, if
    its no longer there, sw looks for a drawing in the same directory with the
    same name as the model. If it finds one, it opens it, if not, it errors.
    Brian, Dec 9, 2005
  4. fhazlehurst

    fhazlehurst Guest

    Thanks for the tips. Sporkman nailed it. I had a space at the end of my
    dwg filename before the ".slddrw". When I looked at the 2 files in
    explorer the naming error was obvious. Still not sure how it happened
    though, as SW defaults to the model's filename on the first drawing
    fhazlehurst, Dec 12, 2005
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