Lost Cosmos Dongle

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pope, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. pope

    pope Guest

    Anyone ever lost the dongle that plugs into your // port to run
    SolidWorks Cosmos? Somehow ours got lost between two users and now we
    are looking at $10k to run it again. Does SW ever offer a replacement
    or is that just impossible?
    pope, Jan 31, 2006
  2. pope

    John Layne Guest

    Your VAR should replace this, they will issue a new serial number and
    nullify subscription on the old number.
    John Layne, Jan 31, 2006
  3. pope

    TOP Guest

    I keep mine firmly attached to a 3 ft extension cable for two reasons.
    Really hard to lose or put in a pocket and it takes the wear and tear
    off the contacts (an old satellite trick).

    Like John said, talk to your VAR. But remember, they have every right
    to refuse, just like the guvmint won't replace a $100 dollar bill you
    inadvertently dropped on the pavement. If it is really lost perhaps
    your company's insurance will pay for it.
    TOP, Jan 31, 2006
  4. pope

    Brad Guest

    There is a standard fee to replace a lost dongle. Can't remember for
    sure, but I think it was somewhere around $500. Ask your VAR, they can
    tell you for sure.
    Brad, Jan 31, 2006
  5. pope

    pope Guest

    Thanks for the answers fellas, we're working with our VAR now, and the
    $500 number seems accurate. Thanks.
    pope, Feb 2, 2006
  6. pope

    pope Guest

    An update on this, we actually got the new dongle for $200 from our
    VAR, and they upgraded us to a USB instead of a // one. We attached a
    huge giant weight to it so it doesn't get lost again. They made us
    sign some paperwork saying we did indeed lose our old one and if we
    found it again we'd surrender it. Now we are Cosmosing again.

    pope, Feb 17, 2006
  7. pope

    lmar Guest

    The real question is why do you need a dongle in the first place.

    lmar, Feb 17, 2006
  8. pope

    TOP Guest

    Cosmosing???? Blue is good, Red is bad?

    Did you do an FEA on the connection to the weight and the stresses on
    the USB port? :=)
    TOP, Feb 18, 2006
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