Lost Arch Sizes after installing reprodesk

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jon Swift, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Jon Swift

    Jon Swift Guest

    Hi all,

    We just installed reprodesk in order to do electronic plotting and
    something is amiss....I cannot access architectural sizes any longer,
    they show up in the configuration window but do not stay there. any

    jon swift
    Jon Swift, Jul 22, 2003
  2. According to Repro Desk Technical Support:
    "More than likely, you need to look in "Paper Sizes" and make sure the
    appropriate box is checked. This menu can be accessed by choosing
    "Defaults" from the "Configure" menu."
    Scott Sheppard, Jul 23, 2003
  3. Jon Swift

    Jon Swift Guest

    Thanks Scott,

    Just got back in....
    All paper sizes in reprodesk were checked. I have had success with
    reinstalling the Hp drivers on each workstation. My conclusion is that
    reprodesk in its install routine or at least the way the reps did it here
    overwrote the existing drivers with another one that would not hold the
    Architectural sizes. I am not sure really what happened but I have been
    able to fix it by reinstalling the drivers.

    Jon Swift, Jul 24, 2003
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