lost a day due to this bug....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Zander, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Zander

    Zander Guest

    It happened again - (first time about 2 months ago)

    Short version:

    Open a drawing when you don't have all the parts referenced in the
    drawing already opened and (sometimes) solidworks will lock up.

    Files open at the time become corrupt and will never open again,
    including backup files (in the swbackup folder)

    I designed a family tool today with 5 seperate parts. Finished the
    mold assembly this afternoon. Started the drawing. Decided to open
    another sw drawing to reference some information - the above error
    occurs - forcing me to kill task and restart sw. Try to open my family
    tool part (sldprt file around 50mb in size) and sw gives an 'error
    opening document' message and then crashes....

    Guess what I'm doing tonight.

    Zander, Jan 10, 2007
  2. Zander

    Zander Guest

    That's a great idea! I havn't used eco-squeeze for ages. It's funny
    (but a little sad) because I just finished rebuilding the assembly.
    But I will try it later for fun.

    Does this happen to you often? I've used solidworks since '99 and I've
    had files become corrupted exactly 3 times. Today via the the dwg bug
    mentioned, about 2 months ago via the exact same bug and about 5 years
    ago when a drawing went bad.

    This kind of corruption is difficult to recover from because the
    autobackup's are corrupted as well, and no autorecover information is
    available. I have many levels of backup (raid, online and nightly to
    portable drives) but they don't protect against this type of failure
    either - only instant backup software does that and that's the only
    thing I don't use. I mean I can still count corrupted files on one

    BTW, my online backup service (carbonite) had a copy of the file that
    was good but was only at the 20% mark, still better than nothing!

    Zander, Jan 11, 2007
  3. Zander

    Bo Guest

    Ricky, can you hazard a guess as to why ecosqueeze would accomplish
    relieving file corruption?

    Bo, Jan 11, 2007
  4. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Ok, I tried it - but the eco-squeezed file crashes solidworks now.
    It's different than before where I received a 'failed to open document'
    type error. Now I'm getting a 'pure virtual function call' type of


    Zander, Jan 11, 2007
  5. I will add an answer here, if the corruption affects things, such as the
    inbedded preview icon, eco-squeeze can remove this part of the document,
    thus "sometimes" saving the document. But not always.
    pete the first, Jan 11, 2007
  6. Zander

    Bo Guest

    Sounds like this has been repeated many times and so what does
    SolidWorks or their VARs say?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Jan 11, 2007
  7. Zander

    Eddie Guest

    Zander & All Who Have Had Corrupt Drawings,
    I'll try to keep this short. I too have had corrupt drawings from
    time to time, few & far between thankfully. Well, we recently upgraded
    from SW04 to SW06 SP 5.0 and everything was running smoothly until a
    week and half ago when I had one individual with 2 drawings that would
    not open. Well, they would open but while resolving, an error came up
    stating that the file was corrupt and SW should be contacted, then SW
    would crash.
    I tried conversion of the files, I sent the files to my VAR. One
    office could open them in any version of SW07 another could open them
    in SW06 SP5.1. So upgrade to fix the problem. I said no thank you. We
    just performed an upgrade.
    I was about to tell my co-worker to redo each drawing as the models
    appeared to be fine but then I thought I'd try one more thing.
    I used the File Open dialog box, changed the reference from the
    current assembly to a part file I had laying around. The drawing opened
    with errors of course but it did open, so I saved it as is. After
    closing, I went back to the File Open dialog box and changed the
    reference back to the original assembly file. Believe it or not it
    opened just fine. Some clean-up was required to get the drawing back to
    normal but it sure beat redoing the entire assembly drawing.
    In this particular case, I do not know if it was simply a link error
    between drawing & model or what, but it worked on both drawings.
    Worth a try if you've exhausted all other possibilities.
    Eddie, Jan 11, 2007
  8. Zander

    Bo Guest

    Eddie, this is starting to make sense now. Hot dog.

    1. User has a project open with drawings (linked etc.) then something
    "comes up" and another dwg is opened to "check things".
    2. Somewhere along the way a "Save" probably happens one way or
    3. A reference gets swapped somehow by Swks &
    4. Blam...the file won't open or is flagged as corrupted.
    5. Eddie the Goalie's "Save Solution": Reattach the right reference
    to the dwg.

    This ought to give SolidWorks developers enough to start to track down
    the problem, as that points to sloppy code in keeping references
    properly tracked when multiple assemblies, parts and drawings are all
    open at once.

    Great Stuff - Bo
    Bo, Jan 11, 2007
  9. Zander

    Zander Guest

    Also, simply saving your file with a new name will often reduce
    drawing file sizes to 50% of the current size. The size issue afaik
    all has to do with the 'microsoft compound file' spec.

    I think this is it (can anyone confirm that?)


    Zander, Jan 12, 2007
  10. Zander

    Eddie Guest

    Thank's for the nice reply but don't over do it, I have a big head
    As far as a broken link, reference, whatever, I agree that SolidWorks
    should have something to go on with this. Like I said earlier, when I
    asked several employees of my VAR, they really had no idea what to do.
    What clued me in was that I had another drawing for the exact same
    assmbly model and it opened just fine, so I knew the model was no to
    Eddie, Jan 12, 2007
  11. Zander

    Eddie Guest

    Thank's for the nice reply but don't over do it, I have a big head
    As far as a broken link, reference, whatever, I agree that SolidWorks
    should have something to go on with this. Like I said earlier, when I
    asked several employees of my VAR, they really had no idea what to do.
    What clued me in was that I had another drawing for the exact same
    assmbly model and it opened just fine, so I knew the model was no to
    Eddie, Jan 12, 2007
  12. Zander

    Zander Guest

    It definately was not a reference issue in my case. See the new thread
    posted called 'new kind of lockup' - this is a much more succinct
    description of what happened (and has occured to me approx. 30-40 times
    since I got 2007 (although usually it just crashes and doesn't corrupt

    Zander, Jan 12, 2007
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