Loss of DWG association with autoCAD

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ajawam2, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. ajawam2

    ajawam2 Guest

    If your like me and you run both Autocad and solidworks, seems that
    the DWGeditor from SW kills your association with dwg and dxf to

    yea... I know the file type under folder options but just doing the
    simple minded uh... reassociate don't usually cut it...

    what you gotta do under XP is to:

    in the folder options thingy, go new

    type dwg - it'll then ask to disassociate - say yea...

    then click advanced in the little pop up

    then click associate with pull down... you'll see a ton of things -
    just scroll to

    For DWG - use Autocad Drawing
    For DXF use Autocad Drawing Interchange

    Now the icons next to these files should correspond to Autocad

    As you'll tell from the following this is just one of those little
    tings that irks me... Seems i have to deal with this evertime I
    upgrade my system... what a pain.

    Ya know - this I want to be everything to everyone Microsoft mind-set
    is gonna screw up real soon. Just look at the typical video driver 3D
    settings for all the dang games ... yea... my CAD crap is enough of a
    game... and i got real clients bitchin at me to hurry up and get stuff
    done - not some little avatar sqeaking thru the stupid little Harmon

    I design hardware for a livin' - been doin' it since 1982 with the
    first XT color comp with PC running Dos 1.1 and CGA - Did analog
    design years before that - did the interface for proj tv to allow PC's
    to talk RS170 from that dang little 9 pin CGA card...

    I like hardware cause nature (God, Allah, Buddah, the powers that be
    whatever) has done exception handling on electrons for oh, 4-10
    billion years (say it like Sagan)

    Software guys, they get as bad as surgeons... they think they can
    handle any exception... half of 'em wouldn't know a hardware register
    if it hit em in the face. Let the JAVA/name your interpreter-compiler
    here handle it.

    I think all app coders should have to code a PIC with 192 BYTEs of
    RAM... in assembly ... no OS... see how well that goes...at least an
    Atmel and see how good they really are. Go ahead - write your own
    interrupt handler... get down there an do some bit twidling...

    Good F'in luck i say....
    ajawam2, Jun 22, 2007
  2. ajawam2

    TOP Guest

    This is a MSoft thing. Software install order does matter. Some
    programs like Paint Shop and Gimp let you change this for any and all
    file types concerned. DWG and DXF however can be hijacked by
    eDrawings, DWGeditor or ACAD. He who goes last wins. Otherwise it's
    manual control.

    You can do this through the command line also which means a batch file/
    script can allow automatic change by clicking an icon.

    TOP, Jun 22, 2007
  3. ajawam2

    Bill Guest

    I also have this problem with OLE and Viso after installing
    DWGeditor. I end up having to reinstall AutoCAD. Is there an easier

    Bill, Jun 25, 2007
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