Los Angeles Solidworks User Group

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Scan to 3D? What is it? What does it do? Find out when we use
    Solidworks to scan an item and create the geometry.

    So the Saints didnt make it to the big game huh? I heard it was so they
    could attend Solidworks World! And if you are'nt able to attend, but
    wanna be the first on your block to see all the goings on, we will have
    an in depth coverage of everything good and bad from New Orleans. What
    to look forward to in SW 2008, who was the suprize guest, How many SW
    users are there now, what sly ploy did Aut0Desk try to use to lure SW
    users to their event? All this an more will be answered at the meeting.

    We will also discuss whats ahead in 2007 for our group.

    So Join us for our meeting on Thursday February 15, 2007 at 6:00pm.

    SoCalMike, Jan 22, 2007
  2. SoCalMike

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jan 22, 2007
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