Los Angeles/Orange County SWUG February Meeting Scheduled

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    The next meeting of the L.A./O.C. SWUG will be held on February 9th,
    2006 from 6:00pm-9:00pm. We will be covering the topic of surfaces,
    and also have a Q&A session covering any questions you may have. As
    normal, food and refreshments will be served from 6-6:30, and the
    meeting will conclude with a prize give-a-way. If you plan to attend,
    please email me at:

    We look forward to seeing you there.
    SoCalMike, Jan 12, 2006
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