Can I put a loop in my prompt menu? Here's one piece of my code and I want to set it so that each time you pick an option Horizontal or Vertical it will go into that command, then after that command come back to asking horizontal, vertical, or done again until the person chooses D for done. (initget "H V D") (setq hvd (getkword " Horizontally, Vertically or Done? [H/V/D] <D>: ")) (if (not hvd)(setq hvd "D")) (cond ((= hvd "H") (cond ((= gridsize "1")(setq defshift-h "6")) ((= gridsize "2")(setq defshift-h "12")) ((= gridsize "3")(setq defshift-h "24")) ((= gridsize "4")(setq defshift-h "12")) ) (setq shift-h (getreal (strcat " Enter distance to shift grid horizontally <" defshift-h ">: "))) (if (not shift-h)(setq shift-h (atoi defshift-h))) (setq center (list (+ x shift-h ) y)) (command "hatchsetorigin" "last" "" center) ) ((= hvd "V") (cond ((= gridsize "1")(setq defshift-v "6")) ((= gridsize "2")(setq defshift-v "12")) ((= gridsize "3")(setq defshift-v "12")) ((= gridsize "4")(setq defshift-v "24")) ) (setq shift-v (getreal (strcat " Enter distance to shift grid vertically <" defshift-v ">: "))) (if (not shift-v)(setq shift-v (atoi defshift-v))) (setq center (list x (+ y shift-v))) (command "hatchsetorigin" "last" "" center) ) ((= hvd "D")(command)) ) )