Looking for tips on using toolbox, smart fasteners with PLM system.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MrSlabaugh, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. MrSlabaugh

    MrSlabaugh Guest

    We need to modify SolidWorks Toolbox fasteners in such a way as to:

    1. Have a single unchanging part (such as socket head cap screw) that
    can be placed into our PLM as a "read only part" covering all our
    company's standard sizes for that type of fastener. (Currently our
    trouble is that we see configurations being added on the fly)
    2. Have the fasteners work correctly with Smart Fasteners, and also
    with the fastener toolbox.
    3. Have our company's standard part numbers and descriptions show up
    correctly on the BOM.
    4. Have the SolidWorks design tree show a reasonable name and
    description for the part (currently we see a number like: B18.3.1M - 2
    x 0.4 x 4 Hex SHCS -- 4NHX-V1 where we want to see our part number and

    Also, How should I make standard assemblies (like air cylinders) where
    the designer may want to add configurations specific to his
    application. I do not want to have to store every configuration as a
    seperate part, or have to rev the cylinder assembly every time we add
    another configuration.


    MrSlabaugh, Feb 23, 2006
  2. MrSlabaugh

    matt Guest

    What is the PLM product? There are different ways of handling this.
    Some software will put a placeholder in the PLM and keep the file
    outside it.

    Getting rid of the adding configs on the fly is definitely a best
    practice for Toolbox. There are various ways of doing that, including
    pre-building all the configs and using individual part files instead of
    configs. It sounds like you want to use configs, and don't want
    individual parts, so you will need to pre-build each size fastener your
    company will use.
    To do this, you will need to have the parts outside of your vault. If
    you have a PLM system that has to have an actual document, I would put
    the parts in the vault, but use them from the location outside the
    vault. You'll need to make sure people don't change the parts outside
    the vault.
    This is gonna require some work.

    Yeah, a lot of work.

    Here's what I would recommend: Have someone go through and create all
    of the Toolbox parts you want to use as configurations. Then use the
    configured parts to autocreate Design Tables, and use the Design Tables
    to generate or populate part numbers and descriptions.

    That's a lot of work up front, but if you really want to use Toolbox,
    Smart Fasteners and use them in the best way possible (with part nos and
    descriptions), I think that's the best way. The alternative is to enter
    in part nos and descriptions each time you make a new size, and then
    make sure everybody does it the same way every time.

    And then comes the question of materials. If you use different material
    screws and you want that information to show up in the desc/part no, I
    would personally take the whole thing out of Toolbox and just make your
    own library. You could start with the configured and Design Tabled
    parts, but just put those in a library and forget about Smart Fasteners.
    If you make good use of patterned holes, Smart Fasteners really doesn't
    give you much anyway.

    As you can tell, I'm a huge fan of Toolbox. It's nothing but a virus
    from a CAD administration point of view.

    Well, you're gonna have to do one or the other (store separate parts or
    up-rev at each config addition). You might work around it by forcing
    the changed assembly to go back into the vault at the same rev, or you
    could use sub-revisions or versions... Well, actually, there is a way
    you could add a configuration to the assembly without even taking it out
    of the vault. You could use a linked design table. This would require
    you to keep the design table in some place outside of the vault, and
    when the assembly is taken out and opened, it reads the design table,
    and would add new configs/sizes. Of course you'd get -10 points for bad
    document management style, but it would do what you ask.

    Anyway, good luck

    matt, Feb 23, 2006
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