Looking for stable partners in North America

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Leo, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Hi, all:

    If you are owning a little mold shop (or just planning to own one),
    now you may suffer from overseas impact and worry about how to find a
    good way to settle down all the problems, maybe it is time to think
    about some new ways.

    Our company is now looking for stable partners in US/Canada, we need
    shops (at least one CNC machine in the shop) to combine/cooperate
    us in different regions of US, we will work together, grow up
    together, separate yourself from competitors in your regions.

    Our website: www.golden-greatwall.com

    If you have further interesting to hear/try what a new way of
    business, please give me a mail in or
    , we will offer a detailed plan/ nalyse for your
    To avoid any conflict with our existing business, please tell us
    State your shop located in.

    Please don't hesitate to send me a mail, it is time for a little
    up, maybe many of your competitors have gone beyond yourself as I

    Sorry for my advertising here.

    Thanks for reading these.

    Best regards
    Leo, Apr 14, 2007
  2. Leo

    LLBrown Guest

    there is a trojan horse on this site!
    LLBrown, Apr 14, 2007
  3. Leo

    brewertr Guest

    Couldn't find any in alt.machines.cnc eh?

    brewertr, Apr 14, 2007
  4. Leo

    TOP Guest

    Interesting, if there is trojan in it and they are targetting mold
    shops maybe they want to see what they can find in the way of
    competitive information? Targetted snooping maybe?

    TOP, Apr 15, 2007
  5. Leo

    Dave Hinz Guest

    No, you're not. If you lie to us from the start, why would we not
    expect you to lie about everything else?
    Dave Hinz, Apr 15, 2007
  6. Sorry for my advertising here.
    I just can't understand why anyone would do business with any spammer or a
    random phone caller.
    I get a kick out of the DJ on a music station I listen to giving "heartfelt"
    advice on which mortgage company to do business with.
    Stupendous Man, Apr 15, 2007
  7. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Thank for your kindly notice.

    Someone have notice it before, I check it but no problem. I think I
    need to buy a new antivirus software. I paid $20 a year for Kaspersky,
    but it can not perceive it. Could you please tell me which antivirus
    software you using in your computer? I may buy one if it sell in my
    Leo, Apr 15, 2007
  8. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Thanks for you kindly notice.

    Someone have notice me before, I check it but no problem. I think I
    need to buy a new antivirus software, I have pay $20 per year for
    Kaspersky but it just can not perceive it. Could you please tell me
    which antivirus software you using now, I may buy one if it being sold
    in my side, thanks.
    Leo, Apr 15, 2007
  9. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Yah, not so worse, just got several in talking, but this world is
    changing so quick, maybe after some months, the chance will not be a
    chance anymore, I need a little more efficiency to beat the time.

    I lost a 256MB flash disk several months ago, I buy one with 1GB, but
    today when I visited a classmate, he work in an US company here making
    flash disk, he give me some flash disks with 8GB capacity! Now he just
    designing a new one with 32GB!! And other company have already use it
    in mini computer! Well, if my mind still stay in 256MB and could not
    catch the world, I will out of business soon. Just a parable for fun.
    Leo, Apr 15, 2007
  10. Leo

    Cliff Guest

    Leo actually has become a regular & valued contributor in alt.machines.cnc.
    Good netizen, even if he uses Pro-E rather than SW <G>.
    After all, IT *is* a full 5 axes CAD/CAM system. When, if ever, will
    SW become one?
    Cliff, Apr 16, 2007
  11. Leo

    Cliff Guest

    I note that you are here too ..... LOL ...
    Not a moldmaker I assume ....
    Cliff, Apr 16, 2007
  12. Leo

    Leo Guest

    When I try to answer posts here last night, after half an hour, yet
    not see my post appearance in the thread, I have to type the letters
    again, so I got a repeat. I know my computer have been affect by spy
    software, also, the same guy have sent me many spam mail too, but I
    don't think he can get a penny from his spy work, so I continue to
    post ,Google suddenly tell me that my computer have been affect by
    virus, forbid my new login, I have to resetup my computer, untill now,
    sorry for my answer late.

    Let me analyze what the hell the guy want.

    He have sent me so many spam mails, but when he found me are not that
    fish for his great opportunity, he use a spy software to control my
    computer, an also affect my website to search if there is anything
    useful, these guys use a special spy software, they don't use it
    frequently, just use it in someone they call a big fish, so the
    popular antivirus software such as Kaspersky can not perceive it
    because no one report it for them, and even the lab can not get a
    sample for analyse. I assume he want to know all my accounts/password
    or monitor all my mails, he may change my password then request some
    penny for recover it, so unlucky, for all my important account, I got
    very decent/security way to recover it, such as I can make a phone
    call etc. He may rob my mail and charge for some penny, this is a
    problem, but I yet not found a reason to pay penny for him in this
    issue, if my customer could not get a receipt from me, he may sent It
    to other mail box or info me in phone, and also, for my important mail
    account, I will change my password frequently, and I will buy more
    useful software to kill the virus... Yah, maybe he want to rob my bank
    account, but more unlucky, I careful enough to never put any relative
    date in computer which connect to the internet, they will fail on this
    with no doubt... After all, if they can succeed one in thousand
    trials, he got success. Guys, be careful, not every time your software
    can kill the virus, you need to protect yourself, don't put any vital/
    danger data in computer which connect to the internet.

    Maybe in other case, some one like to know some competitive info
    through it, then he can make a report and sold it with some $, in this
    point, not so worry about this, I doing decent business, welcome any
    kinds compete, at least in this trade, if you can do competitive work,
    then customers look for you more than you look for customer, LOL.
    Maybe someone such as FBI like to spy some info, well, FBI, sounds
    big, I will thanks for em to regard me as somewhat a point, even
    though that, sorry, I still like to kill the virus in my website,
    because I know they could not get any useful info from me, saving some
    time for em is my honor. LOL
    Leo, Apr 16, 2007
  13. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Look at the start "Looking for stable partners in North America",
    actually now the method in my mind is that "Looking for stable
    partners in North America", and why it is a lie? I lie for what? You
    don't know me, and you don't even think about it or like to do a
    little check before your post your words, I am doing very decent
    business, in all my past work, my customer never lost their confidence
    even though some times my work are not so perfect, what the hell lie
    in this? Every trade got its business secret, I don't show everything
    here because no one like to show the same thing here, but I can swear
    every words in my original post is true, in this point, I assume that
    you don't even spend a minutes in ponder on then send out your letter,
    I may ask if you got any witness that I am telling a lie? If you can
    not, towards your post, if you trying to tell a lie to these group? Do
    you need to respond for your post, eh?
    When you sent your letters to this group, are you try to advertise
    your idea/yourself to the public? Sometimes, since this group are not
    open for advertising which relate to personal benefit, so, anything
    relate to even an ounce intention of personal benefit will be regard
    as an advertising? How to distinguish it? Even though try a help or
    survey others idea then you can get personal unperceived benefit, in
    this point, many guys are guilty, how to avoid the guilty? Just send
    the post but anything "benefit" is forbid? So, I say sorry in my
    sentence is because many guys are not interesting in this proposal,
    they will waste one or two minutes in it, also, they are someone
    really could get benefit from my post, if you tell a lie to them, if
    you are damaging their benefit, is it unfair? Well, don't know if my
    description lead to a fuss, but anyway, my intention in "Looking for
    stable partners in North America" is quite honest and enough accuracy
    to generalize my idea, I could not work out any other words better
    than it so some one will not waste time in reading this as soon as he
    see the title, you got a choice to decide if you like to read it or
    not, just as I can decide if I need to change the TV canal when
    advertise come. But sometimes I can get benefit form the TV
    advertising if it lead me to right direction and no lie in it. I think
    of that my advertising for partner ship still in acceptable range, not

    Sorry again for waste your time.

    BTW, don't lead me to troll, I have troll enough in alt.machines.cnc
    for more than 4 months, sometimes I am one VS many, if you got any
    issue need to be trolled, welcome to there, just don't hesitate
    please. Typical troll for your reference and welcome to continue...


    Leo, Apr 16, 2007
  14. Leo

    Leo Guest

    Just curious about what in your mind means a decent advertisement way?
    If you means that only pay $ for TV of some "decent" advertisement
    agency and only these way are acceptable? Ok, Let me try to express
    what will happen. When all the other kinds of advertisement except
    this, some angency will control the market, such as TV, the time for
    TV is limited, when you can not bid for more $ than your competitors,
    you will no chance to show your production, right? If you making a
    quite good medicine, and it can save many people if they know it, but
    now, your competitors show their stuff in TV, they tell a lie that it
    is the best one for save life, and it is not so cheap because they
    need to pay bunch for advertisement agency, customers must buy this
    bill, but acctually their medicine can not save anyone, if their
    advertisement is decent?

    Also, all the neon light in the city are flash my eyes when I drive
    the car, if the government need to pull it down? For my humble
    opinion, if an advertisment are acceptable, depend on if they are
    telling truth, if they abuse, if they obey latent rules. In this
    point, I am telling my real intendion, no lie in my post, it is hard
    to say if I abuse, I think I only try it in the most limited groups
    that will not affect the other people whom not in this trade, I first
    only post in alt.machines.cnc, when it lead to a troll then I post
    also here,


    Notice that I don't say sorry there, because they have notice that
    they allow addertisement in this particular room, I think I have obey
    the rule than some the others.

    For troll? alt.machines.cnc, you welcome too, may learn some skill for
    troll loudly yet not be catch the tail. LOL
    Leo, Apr 16, 2007
  15. Leo

    Leo Guest

    For my opinion, I am a typical troller there.
    Leo, Apr 16, 2007
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