Looking for R14

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DanKegel, May 20, 2007.

  1. DanKegel

    DanKegel Guest

    I'm testing Wine's support for Autocad. I found trial copies
    of Autocad 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008
    (see http://wiki.winehq.org/AutodeskAutocad )
    but I have yet to find either a full or a trial version
    of Autocad R14 anywhere. Anyone know
    where I can find one? I'm not at all interested
    in warez, cracks, or illegal copies; I can only
    use legal copies (used is ok). Thanks!
    - Dan
    DanKegel, May 20, 2007
  2. DanKegel

    DanKegel Guest

    Depends on the country, I suppose. Court cases in Germany and
    Japan have determined that it is indeed legal. I think it's legal
    in the United States, too. The key to making it legal is to
    remove any traces of the software from the computer it
    was installed on. I think that means that you have to not
    have used R14 to buy a discounted copy of 2000.
    Well, yes, that would be nice. I was assuming nobody would be
    in doing it. It's a lot of effort to file good bug reports.
    Clicking on it worked for me just now, so maybe it was a temporary
    Any testing you could do, starting with verifying that the installer
    would be helpful. You'd want to start with the latest wine, though
    (0.9.37 at the moment).
    - Dan
    DanKegel, May 21, 2007
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