Looking for precision input dialog and selection handles in V8 like in SE

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Miki Hiir, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. Miki Hiir

    Miki Hiir Guest

    I'm wondering is there anyone else who misses precision input dialog
    from MS-SE.
    Why it's not supported anymore in V8. Yes, I know "Accudraw rocks", but for
    me old dialog
    was much more clear and informative. Has anyone seen some user MDL to have
    similar dialog in V8?
    Second feature I'm missing in V8 is to see element selection handles in
    every window not only in active window. I remember Bentley explained, it's
    time consuming to show handles in all windows, but why can't user decide by
    some configuration variable if he needs this feature or not?

    Conservative user Ats
    Miki Hiir, Jun 11, 2004
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