Looking for new VAR nearer to London

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, May 16, 2007.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    Looking for a new VAR.

    Our current Var is NTcadcam, which are based in Oxford.
    We have NO problems with their service or support at the moment.

    But we almost have no other interaction with them apart from when the
    subscriptions are due or we need support. It's a bit like having a wife for
    food and sex only!
    Hold that thought!, lol

    We do get a newsletter,! :p

    From this, we find that we are isolated from other Sw users and other
    helpful people, apart from this newsgroup.

    Here are the places where their forth coming seminars are being held:-

    a.. 17th May, Knutsford
    a.. 24th May, Haddenham
    a.. 21st June, Knutsford
    a.. 21st June, Knutsford
    a.. 12th July, Haddenham

    They might as well be in New York, I think we can get there quicker!

    So NTcadcam needs to start holding seminars and such like, nearer to SE
    England or even SE London.

    Please note, I am not having a moan, I have just got to the stage of having
    no more motivation to stick with NTcadcam when the subscription renewal time
    comes up.

    Please note that if you, (the var), do not hold seminars or other events
    near the south side of London, there is no need to contact us and waste both
    of our time.

    I thank you.
    pete, May 16, 2007
  2. pete

    TOP Guest


    Why not get the Belgian reseller to come over?

    TOP, May 17, 2007
  3. pete

    mikemcd Guest

    there are two down your way matey i think cadtek and solidsolutions
    mikemcd, May 20, 2007
  4. pete

    Daquifsta Guest

    We're based in Kent, and have used Cadtek since we first bought SWX.
    IIRC their last round of seminars were held in Tonbridge or
    thereabouts. Their support has been fine, on the rare occaisions I've
    needed them. I don't mean that in a smug way, it's just that we are a
    single seat company (me!) drawing fairly uncomplicated boxy- type
    things, and so don't run into too much grief. Personally, I find
    solidsolutions a tad annoying: we've never bought software or support
    from them and nor are we likely to, unless Cadtek do something
    disasterous. Despite explaining this to them many times, they still
    ring every month or two to try and sell SWX to us. I know it's a small
    thing, but it's an annoying small thing.............

    Daquifsta, May 20, 2007
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