Looking for lsp to cinvert line drawing to sketch

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dan, Dec 15, 2004.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    I know I came across a routine somewhere in the past years that could
    convert a drawing to make it look like it was hand shetched.

    Anyone else ever seen this?

    Dan, Dec 15, 2004
  2. There's a program out there called SQUIGGLE. A web search will quickly give
    you loads of places you can get it.
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Dec 15, 2004
  3. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Thanks for the lead.

    Dan, Dec 15, 2004
  4. Dan

    GaryDF Guest

    I use this one....for polylines.


    ;;; ROUGHEN.LSP version 16.01, 20-Jun-2001
    ;;; ROUGHEN.LSP: AutoLISP program to "roughen" a polyline.
    ;;; Application prefix for global symbols = Daed_
    ;;; copyright 1993-2001 by Mark Middlebrook
    ;;; Daedalus Consulting
    ;;; e-mail:
    ;;; Before you e-mail me with support questions, please make sure that
    ;;; you're using the current version. You can download it from
    ;;; http://markcad.com.
    ;;; This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
    ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    ;;; the Free Software Foundation: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
    ;;; Revision history
    ;;; v. 2k.0 31-May-1999 First release for AutoCAD 2000.
    ;;; v. 2k.0f 14-Jul-1999 Added GNU GPL and download info to header.
    ;;; v. 16.0 23-Apr-2001 Added multiple object selection.
    ;;; v. 16.01 20-Jun-2001 Fixed an error handler bug.
    ;;;*Why Use ROUGHEN?
    ;;; Use ROUGHEN when you want to turn polylines and/or lines into an
    ;;; irregularly zigzaggy line. For example, you can use roughened lines
    ;;; to designate existing concrete surfaces that have been roughened
    ;;; for better adhesion with new concrete.
    ;;;*How to Use ROUGHEN
    ;;; I have tested this version of ROUGHEN with AutoCAD R14 and 2000i.
    ;;; It roughens the newer AutoCAD R14 lwpolyline objects ("lightweight
    ;;; polylines"), as well as older "heavyweight" polyline objects.
    ;;; To run ROUGHEN, load it using AutoCAD's APPLOAD command, or type:
    ;;; (load "ROUGHEN")
    ;;; at the AutoCAD command prompt. After you've loaded ROUGHEN.LSP, type:
    ;;; ROUGHEN
    ;;; to run it. ROUGHEN will prompt you to select polylines and/or lines.
    ;;; After you select objects, ROUGHEN inserts a series of vertices in
    ;;; all of the polylines and lines in order to create an irregular,
    ;;; zigzaggy polyline.
    ;;; If you don't like the results, type U and press ENTER to undo
    ;;; ROUGHEN's work.
    ;;; Tips:
    ;;; (1) Each time you run the program, it gives you the opportunity to
    ;;; change the roughness period (i.e., approximate length of the
    ;;; zigzag lines) and roughness amplitude (i.e., height of the zigzag
    ;;; lines.
    ;;; (2) You can select objects other than polylines and lines; Roughen.lsp
    ;;; ignores them.
    ;;;*Known limitations
    ;;; 1) The entire polyline or line must be visible in order for ROUGHEN
    ;;; to work properly.
    ;;; 2) ROUGHEN turns arc segments into straight segments.

    (defun ROUGHENIT (/ olderr dwgscale basicziglen
    roughness ocmd oosmode en etype
    en1 expr lstverts vertnum vtx1
    vtx2 seglen segang inclen zignum
    ziglen zigdist wanderdist wanderang
    newvtx ss1 ss1len i_ss yorn

    ;;error handler
    (setq olderr *error*)
    (defun *error* (msg)
    (if (or
    (= msg "Function cancelled")
    (= msg "quit / exit abort")
    ;;if user cancelled or program aborted, exit quietly
    ;;otherwise report error message
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
    (command "._UNDO" "_End")
    (if oosmode (setvar "OSMODE" oosmode))
    (if ocmd (setvar "CMDECHO" ocmd))
    (setq *error* olderr) ;restore old error handler
    (setq olderr nil)

    ;; (daed_mgetreal prompt-string initgetbits default-real)
    ;; User input function for getting a real number
    ;; initgetbits = sum of 0 for none
    ;; 2 for disallow zero
    ;; 4 for disallow negative
    ;; (don't use the 1 bit; it's figured out automatically).
    ;; default-real = real number or nil.
    ;; returns real number.
    (defun daed_mgetreal (promptstr initbits defreal / answer)
    (setq promptstr (strcat promptstr
    (if defreal
    (strcat " <" (rtos defreal 2) ">: ")
    ": "
    (if defreal
    (initget initbits)
    (initget (1+ initbits))
    (setq answer (getreal promptstr))
    (if (null answer)
    (setq answer defreal)

    ;; Have the user select objects
    (prompt "\n* Select polylines or lines to roughen: *")
    (setq ss1 (ssget))

    ;;User selected entities, so proceed
    (if ss1
    (command "._UNDO" "_Group")
    ;;Save system variable settings
    (setq ocmd (getvar "CMDECHO"))
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
    (setq oosmode (getvar "OSMODE"))
    (setvar "OSMODE" 0)

    ;;Set default length and roughness of "zigzags" here
    (if (null daed_dwgscale)
    (setq daed_dwgscale (if (zerop (getvar "DIMSCALE"))
    (getvar "DIMSCALE")
    daed_basicziglen 0.05 ;larger is longer segment
    daed_roughness 0.015 ;larger is rougher amplitude
    ;;Display current roughening parameters
    (prompt (strcat "\n* Drawing scale = "
    (rtos daed_dwgscale 2 4)
    " Roughness period = "
    (rtos daed_basicziglen 2 4)
    " Roughness amplitude = "
    (rtos daed_roughness 2 4)

    (initget "Yes No")
    (setq yorn
    "\n* Do you want to change the roughening parameters <N>: *"
    (if (= yorn "Yes")
    ;;Allow user to change the roughening parameters
    (setq daed_dwgscale (daed_mgetreal
    "\n* Drawing scale factor *"
    daed_basicziglen (daed_mgetreal
    "\n* Roughness period (larger numbers give fewer zigzags) *"
    daed_roughness (daed_mgetreal
    "\n* Roughness amplitude (larger numbers give higher spikes) *"


    ;;Multiply roughening factors by drawing scale factor
    (setq basicziglen (* daed_basicziglen daed_dwgscale)
    roughness (* daed_roughness daed_dwgscale)
    ss1len (sslength ss1) ;length of selection set
    i_ss 0 ;loop counter
    (while (< i_ss ss1len) ;while more members in the SS
    (setq en (ssname ss1 i_ss))

    (setq etype (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en)))
    lstverts nil
    ;;Entity is a line, so convert it to a polyline
    ((equal etype "LINE")
    (prompt "\n* Converting a LINE object to a polyline *")
    (command "._PEDIT" en "_Yes" "_eXit")
    (setq en (entlast) ;reset en
    etype (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en)))


    ;;Entity is an lwpolyline
    ((equal etype "LWPOLYLINE")
    (prompt "\n* Roughening an LWPOLYLINE object....*")
    ;;Build list of vertices
    '(lambda (expr)
    (if (= (car expr) 10)
    (setq lstverts (cons (cdr expr) lstverts))
    (entget en)
    (setq lstverts (reverse lstverts))

    ;;Entity is a polyline
    ((equal etype "POLYLINE")
    (prompt "\n* Roughening a POLYLINE object....*")
    ;;Build list of vertices
    (setq en1 (entnext en)) ;first vertex
    (while (/= "SEQEND" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget en1))))
    (setq lstverts (cons (cdr (assoc 10 (entget en1))) lstverts)
    en1 (entnext en1) ;next vertex
    (setq lstverts (reverse lstverts))

    (T (prompt "\n* Object is not a polyline or line *"))

    ;;There are vertices, so process the lwpolyline or polyline
    (if lstverts
    (command "._PEDIT" en "_Edit") ;edit vertex
    (setq vertnum 1)
    (while (< vertnum (length lstverts))
    (setq vtx1 (nth (1- vertnum) lstverts)
    vtx2 (nth vertnum lstverts)
    seglen (distance vtx1 vtx2)
    segang (angle vtx1 vtx2)
    zignum (fix (/ seglen basicziglen))
    ;# of "zigzags"...
    zignum (max zignum 2) ; but not less than 2
    ziglen (/ seglen zignum) ;zigzag length
    zigdist ziglen
    i 2

    (repeat (1- zignum)
    (setq newvtx (polar vtx1 segang zigdist)
    ;vertex init. loc.
    newvtx (trans newvtx 0 1)
    wanderdist (* roughness (daed_randnum))
    wanderang (if (= (rem i 2) 1)
    ;wander back & forth
    (+ segang (/ pi 4))
    (- segang (/ pi 4))
    (command "_Insert"
    ;;PEDIT behaves inconsistently with polylines vs. lwpolylines
    (if (equal etype "POLYLINE")
    (command "_Next")
    (command "_Move"
    (polar newvtx wanderang wanderdist)
    (setq zigdist (+ ziglen zigdist)
    i (1+ i)

    (command "_Next")
    (setq vertnum (1+ vertnum))
    (command "_eXit" "_eXit") ;exit PEDIT
    (redraw en)
    (setq i_ss (1+ i_ss)) ;next entity

    (prompt "\n* No objects selected *")
    (prompt " Finished.")
    (command "._UNDO" "_End")
    (if oosmode (setvar "OSMODE" oosmode))
    (if ocmd (setvar "CMDECHO" ocmd))
    (setq *error* olderr)

    ;;;Random number generation function - based on the linear
    ;;; congruential method as presented in Doug Cooper's book
    ;;; Condensed Pascal, pp. 116-117.
    ;;; Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
    (defun daed_randnum (/ modulus multiplier increment random)
    (if (not daed_seed)
    (setq daed_seed (getvar "DATE"))
    (setq modulus 65536
    multiplier 25173
    increment 13849
    daed_seed (rem (+ (* multiplier daed_seed) increment) modulus)
    random (/ daed_seed modulus)
    (prompt "\nROUGHEN version 16.01 loaded. Type ROUGHEN to run it.")
    GaryDF, Dec 15, 2004
  5. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Thank you very much Everyone!
    This is what I needed.

    Dan, Dec 16, 2004
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