Looking for info on translation problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    I'm putting together a presentation for a user group on model translation
    problems and fixes, so naturally, my best resource for information is here.
    Obviously the Parasolid format is preferred, but when you can't get a good
    translation, what do you resort to? Do you do the Import Diagnosis, manual
    surface or solid modeling, roundtrip translations, import settings,
    translation services, return to the supplier for better data, etc? Do you
    ever have to rebuild 3D solids from 3D wireframes? Do you ever use or find
    useful FeatureWorks? What are your top 5 translation issues?

    One of the things that would be useful to me is examples of poorly
    translated models, stuff that comes into SW broken. I would prefer the
    original translated format rather than the SW file with imported data. I
    could use it in a wide range from slightly broken to massively busted.
    Please don't send proprietary data, since this will be used in a
    presentation for SW users, and will be posted to my website for anyone

    You can post replies to this thread, or send models to
    m__lombard_"AT"_frontier__net"DOT"net (remove underscores and change
    obvious spam munge). Please zip the files before sending, and if you have
    files over 8 Mb, contact me for FTP info (or use spanned zip files).

    In return for your help by sending data, I may be able to fix your files
    (no promises), and will definitely give you a copy of the final
    presentation, which should have lots of tips and examples.

    Previous presentations are also available at my site:



    Matt Lombard
    matt, Nov 16, 2004
  2. matt

    That70sTick Guest

    One thing I observed:
    Diagnosis and repair in SW2004 is MUCH better than in SW2003. I
    repaired models in SW2004 that wouldn't rrepair in SW2003.

    Sometimes repair comes by brute force: deleting bad faces and creating
    new ones.

    Sometimes translating a STEP214 file into STEP203 and back to SW
    converts Flat and cylindrical B-surfaces into actual planear and
    cylindrical surfaces.

    I wrote a program that assigns random colors to all faces in a model.
    I originally wrotwe it just to demonstrate API principles, but it found
    use as a tool to examine imported bodies for missing faces.
    That70sTick, Nov 17, 2004
  3. I've been having translation problems importing ACIS solids in 2005.
    I sent a report to my "VAR" (TriHarder or something or other), but
    ended up with a pathetic reply from SolidWorks with no solution.

    Basically, if you have an AutoCAD solid, let's say a 1"x1"x1" cube, it
    will import into SolidWorks as a 1 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter cube.

    The answer I got from SolidWorks was, no problem! Just change the
    units back to inches after you import the file (at least that's what I
    interpereted from the cryptic, poorly written message).

    I hope I don't have to explain to anyone here why that won't work.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 17, 2004
  4. matt

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Basically, if you have an AutoCAD solid,
    There might be a way to fix that by editing the *.sat. If you look at the
    file in a text editor; the first value on the third line is a scale factor
    relative millimeters, e.g.

    1 = mm
    10 = cm
    1000 = meter
    25.4 = inch (it's often 25.39999...., 25.4 is good enough)
    and finally
    -1 = unitless

    Some programs allow defining the units on a unitless file when imported.
    Could also be that some make assumptions. Since Parasolid uses meters as
    the internal value (?) it could be that it is making the "meters"

    Anyway you can change the value. Experiment with your 1 unit cube to
    verify that you can get what you want.

    (Acad / MDT recently had a bug and would export at some value other than
    drawing units.)
    SW "outsourcing" tech support, too? 8~)

    Jeff Howard, Nov 17, 2004

  5. Mike,
    Do you use sp0.1 ?
    I have no problems with the above mentioned.
    SW2005 prompts me what units to use when importing the solid.
    Tested w ACAD200 and Sw 2005 Sp0.1

    Bert Muijtstege
    Bert_muijtstege, Nov 17, 2004
  6. matt

    mplanchard Guest


    Item 1

    I will agree with Mike that mm-in or in-mm units are a big issue.
    Right now my work around is to use the Scale command in SolidWorks.
    You have to apply the Scale command 2 times because you cannot
    multiple 25.4 or divide by 25.4. So the first Scale factor is 10 and
    the second Scale factor is 2.54.

    Item 2

    I believe for the new user who is trying to import autocad data, there
    has to be a judgement call on the time it takes to import and convert
    2D sketches with the 2D-3D tools and the time it takes to convert an
    autocad sketch to construction geometry and begin the part again in
    SolidWorks. I have seen autocad drawings with small gaps between
    line segments create problems in a SW sketch because the orginal acad
    file was not created properly. You can create geometry in acad that
    looks fine on the screen but endpoints are not connected. The Check
    Sketch for feature in the Sketch Tools toolbar is one of my favorite
    tools after importing.

    Good topic.

    Regards, Marie
    mplanchard, Nov 17, 2004
  7. Ah yes, the ol edit with notepad trick. That's a good tip.

    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 18, 2004
  8. Hmmm. I do have SP0.1, but didn't see a prompt. I was importing
    a .SAT file. I'll try some more experiments.

    Mike J. Wilson, Nov 18, 2004
  9. matt

    marab Guest

    I am trying to convert from a ACIS based cad program (Cimatron) to
    There is a very big assembly (more than 8000 parts) which are very
    well organized in the native CAD and every part and sub assembly has
    it s own part number as file name.

    Trying to translate it to SolidWorks is not a easy work.
    I tryed several formats and no one has ended with a good result.

    1- SAT:
    Solidworks's memory requirements quickly grows up it crashes.
    Translating the subassemblies instead of the main one is a way but
    the iggest problem is that when translating from SAT the file name is
    replaced by random serial number.

    2- IGES:
    It also takes a lot of memory but at least the file name and
    assembly hierarcy is maintained.

    3- STEP:
    Best in memory requirements and file name and assembly hierarcy is

    4- Parasolid:
    Export in this format is not supported.

    Even in STEP or IGES, not all the filenames were correctly preserved.
    Sometimes assemblies were replaced by IGroup12.sldasm and parts by
    Body23.sldprt. I don't know if the problem is from the exporting stage
    or the importing translator.

    Any Ideas?
    marab, Dec 3, 2004
  10. matt

    matt Guest

    Thanks to all who contributed to this thread. There is so much
    information, it's really impossible to condense it all into an hour long
    user group presentation. This is not a comprehensive treatment of the
    topic by any means, but it was more info than I could really present to a
    group of users in an hour or so. This actually gets a bit into functional
    surfacing for import repair and editing.

    Anyway, if you would like to see the powerpoint and some additional
    supporting info which I culled from the SW Knowledge Base, it's up on my
    site now, on the User Groups page, Imported Data and How to Fix It.

    matt, Dec 15, 2004
  11. matt

    neil Guest

    thanks for sharing these presentations with the masses matt.
    much appreciated
    neil, Dec 15, 2004
  12. Matt,

    Have you taken a look at the Gold product FormatWorks for translation,
    repair and healing for SolidWorks users?

    Lyle and Laurel Fischer, Dec 17, 2004
  13. matt

    matt Guest

    No, Lyle, I haven't looked at it. And as I remember dealing with you is
    the reason why I don't use another product you carry. Remember that
    folks here don't care much for peddling sales folk posting trolls.
    matt, Dec 17, 2004
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