Looking for CAD experts!

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Lea France, Apr 20, 2005.

  1. Lea France

    Lea France Guest

    Hey guys,
    I am participating in a project about "room optimization". There are
    two points:

    1. The product in question are escalators. At the moment, the delivery
    is carried out in an one-part-delivery. Does anyone knows if there
    exists a CAD program that could "calculate" the optimized transport
    (eg. how to dispose or divide the escalator so that it fits into a
    container)? Any ideas here?

    2. Other thing is: The escalators are produced & then delivered in one
    part (very bulky!). It would be intersting if there is any CAD
    application that could design a new form of escalators-> plug'n'play
    for escalators.

    You might also contact me by mail! Thanx in advance!
    Lea France, Apr 20, 2005
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