Looking for an easier solution

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Margaret, Feb 1, 2004.

  1. Margaret

    Margaret Guest

    Hi All,

    I'm not sure if anyone else out here is doing the same kind of work I do,
    but thought I'd post this problem anyway. I design and develope for a
    furniture company and use 3 main software packages...Accumark(with Pattern
    Design), Corel Designer9, and AutoCad 2004. I use these programs in sync
    most effectively for what I do, but from the start ran into a problem. When
    I open up a piece that was digitized in AccuMark to Autocad (and the process
    for getting it to AutoCad is this: from Accumark Explorer-send to plotter as
    dos file, change file type from .000 to .hgl, import the file with Corel
    Designer9 and export the file as .dxf or .dwg and from there take it to
    AutoCad) the piece loses it's full size and I have to stretch it back out
    and only if it's a large piece, the smaller ones do well enough. The
    software reps want to sell me yet another piece of expensive software (which
    is why I have the Corel program) that may or may not work and I just can't
    see the need for that when I can do what needs to be done with the software
    I have now. You may ask why I don't draw from Autocad in the first place and
    the answer is TIME! Does anyone know of a faster way to get what I need
    done? I'd like to use just the Accumark and AutoCad and bypass the Corel
    program which is what I believe is shrinking my pieces.
    Margaret, Feb 1, 2004
  2. Margaret

    bestafor Guest

    bestafor, Feb 2, 2004
  3. I'm not sure what exactly you're looking to do but if it's to get scanned
    images into Autocad you could just insert them. If you want scans that
    could be modified you could look into Autodesk Raster Design.

    Maybe it's just me but I don't understand what you're trying to get into
    Autocad (is it a scanned image? something from a different program?). Once
    in Autocad, do you need the ability to modify it?

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Feb 2, 2004
  4. Margaret

    Smiley Guest

    I am guessing that the hgl format you are using is actually the data
    the program normally sends to a plotter. I am guessing it is actually
    the HPGL format.

    It has been many years, but I thought there was a command to
    directly import the HPGL files, and I just tried to see if my memory
    was correct. I entered the HPGLIN command, but it is definitely not a
    command that AutoCAD 2002 supports.

    Actually, the HPGL file is not really the raw drawing data... but
    rather a series of instructions to the plotter motors about how many
    increments to move. If the X and Y movment is at a differnet scale,
    then when you use that method to transfer files, the item will be out
    of scale in one direction.

    Is there ANY other format you can use to get the stuff out of
    Accumark? Here are some of the other vector formats AutoCAD will

    3DS- 3D Studio MAX Format
    WMF-Windows Metafile Format

    Also, inside AutoCAD, if you make your pattern drawing into a block,
    you can change its properties to scale its size differently in the X
    and Y directions. This way you can scale it evenly. Once you figgure
    out the percentages to scale it, you probably can use the same
    percentage all the time.
    Smiley, Feb 2, 2004
  5. Margaret

    Margaret Guest

    No, it's not a scanned image...it's the digitized full scale piece from
    another program, and to go through the process of converting it so that
    Autocad will recognize it, there seems to be some shrinkage when the part
    goes beyond a certain size. I do this because there are many different
    angles and curves on some of the pieces, otherwise I'd draw them in AutoCad
    to begin with. The AutoCad format is neccessary for the suppliers I send my
    drawings to because they don't have the equipment or software for my other
    Margaret, Feb 5, 2004
  6. Margaret

    Margaret Guest

    Thank you, I'll check this out.
    Margaret, Feb 5, 2004
  7. Margaret

    Hans Guest

    Install plotter drivers, convert the image to a plt file

    Import the plt file
    Hans, Feb 5, 2004
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