Looking for a product designer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Alex, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. Alex

    Alex Guest

    I am looking for a industrial designer with experience in retail
    products and familiar with injection molding requirements.

    I've designed a simple kitchen gadget (Patent Pending) that has
    potentially big market. I can demonstrate my prototype and probably have
    you excited enough to get started to work with me on this project. All
    kitchen retailers I showed my prototype to were willing to buy as soon
    as I start manufacturing it.
    I am not interested in a paid consultant (I would be if I had good
    funding :) I am looking for a good long term partner who wants to work
    with me on this project and make this gadget pretty and injection
    molding ready. It's a relatively small thing, only 3 parts, so it won't
    be too much work anyway.
    I am in San Francisco Bay Area and you must be within reasonable
    distance so we can meet and discuss the project.
    In exchange I can offer a share (in writing) of potential return.

    Alex, Jan 15, 2004
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