Looking for a Lisp...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kusa24, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. kusa24

    kusa24 Guest

    Does anyone know of a Lisp routine or something that will change all object colors, linetypes, etc to bylayer?

    We get architectural files in all the time that we need to change to 2-3 differnt colors and lietypes, and since architects seem to like to use 257 of AutoCAD's 256 colors I was hoping to find something that would change everything much simpler than doing it manually.

    kusa24, Apr 27, 2004
  2. kusa24

    cadtown Guest

    Why do you need a Lisp routine to do this ?
    Doesn't Object Properties dialog let you do this already ?

    cadtown, Apr 27, 2004
  3. kusa24

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    How does the Object Properties affect entities within blocks? Or those on
    locked layers?

    BTW, the solution was posted to another thread a few weeks ago.

    Jeff Mishler, Apr 27, 2004
  4. kusa24

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    How does the Change command affect entities within blocks? Or those on
    locked layers?

    BTW, the solution was posted to another thread a few weeks ago.


    differnt colors and lietypes, and since architects seem to like to use 257
    of AutoCAD's 256 colors I was hoping to find something that would change
    everything much simpler than doing it manually.
    Jeff Mishler, Apr 27, 2004
  5. Why do you need a Lisp routine to do this ?
    OP won't handle sub-entities of parent object (I.e. Lines that make up a
    block, etc.)

    Darren J. Young
    CAD/CAM Systems Developer

    Cold Spring Granite Company
    202 South Third Avenue
    Cold Spring, Minnesota 56320

    Phone: (320) 685-5045
    Fax: (320) 685-5052
    Darren J. Young, Apr 27, 2004
  6. kusa24

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Here's the one I could've swore I posted before, but I couldn't find it in a
    It'll allow you to change just the color or linetype or both to bylayer. The
    main routine is a seperate function so you could call it from a button and
    have no user interaction if desired. To do that the button command would be
    like this for changing only the color to bylayer: ^C^C(all2bylayer t nil);


    ;;Routine to change all drawing entities color or linetype, or both,
    ;;to Bylayer.
    ;;by Jeff Mishler April 2004

    (defun c:bylayer (/ ans)
    (initget "Color Linetype Both")
    (setq ans (getkword "\nConvert ALL entity colors &/or linetypes to
    bylayer...[Color/Linetype/Both]: "))
    (cond ((= ans "Color")(all2bylayer t nil)
    (princ "\nAll objects' color now Bylayer...."))
    ((= ans "Linetype")(all2bylayer nil t)
    (princ "\nAll objects' linetypes now Bylayer...."))
    ((= ans "Both")(all2bylayer t t)
    (princ "\nAll objects' color & linetype now Bylayer...."))
    (princ "\nNo option selected, exiting.....")

    (defun all2bylayer (color linet / doc layers lokt)
    (setq doc (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object))
    layers (vla-get-layers doc))
    (vlax-for lay layers
    (if (= :vlax-true (vla-get-lock lay))
    (setq lokt (cons lay lokt))
    (vla-put-lock lay :vlax-false)
    (vlax-for blk (vla-get-blocks doc)
    (if (and (eq (vla-get-isxref blk) :vlax-false)
    (not (wcmatch (vla-get-name blk) "*|*"))
    (vlax-for ent blk
    (if (and color (vlax-property-available-p ent 'color))
    (vlax-put ent 'color acbylayer))
    (if (and linet (vlax-property-available-p ent 'linetype))
    (vlax-put ent 'linetype "BYLAYER"))
    (if lokt (mapcar '(lambda (x)
    (vla-put-lock x :vlax-true))

    object colors, linetypes, etc to bylayer?
    differnt colors and lietypes, and since architects seem to like to use 257
    of AutoCAD's 256 colors I was hoping to find something that would change
    everything much simpler than doing it manually.
    Jeff Mishler, Apr 27, 2004
  7. kusa24

    Jamie Duncan Guest

    An alternative solution using lisp...

    (defun c:fixents (/ ss1 temp ent1 looper entdat bnm ctr enttyp bl_list)
    (command ".layer" "t" "0" "un" "0" "s" "0" "")
    (setq ss1 (ssadd) looper T ctr 0)
    (while looper
    (prompt "\nSelect Entities to set to Bylayer for Colour and Linetype: ")
    (setq ss1 (ssget))
    (if ss1 (setq looper nil))
    (repeat (sslength ss1)
    (setq ent1 (ssname ss1 ctr) entdat (entget ent1) enttyp (cdr (assoc 0
    (if (= enttyp "INSERT")
    (setq bl_list (list (cdr (assoc 2 entdat))))
    (foreach bnm bl_list
    (jddfixablock bnm)
    (setq entdat (subst (cons 62 256)(assoc 62 entdat) entdat)
    entdat (subst (cons 6 "Bylayer")(assoc 6 entdat) entdat)
    (entmod entdat)(entupd ent1)
    (setq ctr (+ ctr 1))
    (defun jddfixablock (bname / enam1 end1)
    (setq enam1 (tblobjname "block" bname))
    (while (setq enam1 (entnext enam1))
    (setq end1 (entget enam1)
    end1 (subst (cons 62 256)(assoc 62 end1) end1))
    end1 (subst (cons 6 "Bylayer")(assoc 6 end1) end1))
    end1 (subst (cons 8 "0")(assoc 8 end1) end1))
    (entmod end1)
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget enam1))) "INSERT")
    (setq bl_list (append bl_list (list (cdr (assoc 2 (entget


    Jamie Duncan

    (I like the recursive part for nested blocks)

    Jamie Duncan, Apr 27, 2004
  8. kusa24

    Joe Burke Guest


    Just curious. Don't you think if layer locked/unlocked status might change, resetting
    such should be done in an error handler? Similar to changing sys vars.

    Joe Burke

    Joe Burke, Apr 27, 2004
  9. kusa24

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    You are probably correct.

    You may have noticed in my other posts that I rarely use an error handler at

    This is due to:
    1. Bad coding habits
    2. I usually don't Cancel out of a known lisp command out of habit after
    using Softdesk/AdCadd/LDD all these years where your system would be left in
    complete dis-array if you did issue a cancel......
    3. When I'm relatively confident that there is no error going to be
    encountered other than an ESC while it is processing I won't bother.
    4. These are usually bits & pieces of other code I've written that I put
    together to help with a specific question. If the user wants/needs error
    handling they can add it.

    That being said, I am going to make a concerted effort to do a better job of
    including a handler in most of my posts or at least note that one may be


    Jeff Mishler, Apr 27, 2004
  10. Have you ever considered the CAD Standards feature?

    R. Robert Bell

    Does anyone know of a Lisp routine or something that will change all object
    colors, linetypes, etc to bylayer?

    We get architectural files in all the time that we need to change to 2-3
    differnt colors and lietypes, and since architects seem to like to use 257
    of AutoCAD's 256 colors I was hoping to find something that would change
    everything much simpler than doing it manually.

    R. Robert Bell, Apr 27, 2004
  11. kusa24

    Joe Burke Guest


    As you know, nothing will reveal a potential problem faster than convincing yourself
    not much can go wrong. ;-)

    Agreed, it's sufficient to simply indicate, "minimal error checking" or something
    similar. You've been very generous helping folks here. I didn't mean to imply you
    should spend more time along these lines. Though I guess my comment sounded like

    Joe Burke

    Joe Burke, Apr 28, 2004
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