Looking for a layers tool lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick Cole, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. Patrick Cole

    Patrick Cole Guest

    I'm looking for a tool or lisp that would allow changing the color of a
    layer by selecting an object, which would then prompt you to select a color
    for the layer which the selected object is on. I used to have a tool that
    used to do this but can't find it, it may have been a lisp from an old
    softdesk version (a "retired" command?).

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for any help - Patrick
    Patrick Cole, Jul 9, 2004
  2. Patrick Cole

    Doug Barr Guest

    Try this.

    (defun c:CLC ()
    (prompt "\nSelect layer whose color will be changed... ")
    (setq a (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car (entsel))))))
    (setq aa (rtos (cdr (assoc 62 (tblsearch "layer" a))) 2 0))
    (setq aaa (strcat "\nLayer " a " is colored " aa " ...new color? "))
    (princ aaa)
    (setq b (getstring)) ; String, so you can input "green" or 3
    (command "-layer" "c" b a "")

    Apologies to RRB who would like to burn my a aa aaa variables.<g>
    Doug Barr, Jul 9, 2004
  3. Patrick Cole

    Josh Guest

    I forget who wrote this (apologies to whomever) but the best thing about it
    that you can pick entities at the block or nested level (including xrefs)
    and change a layer color without forcing a regen.

    (defun c:lc (/ en1 chk olst nlst bnm cde
    blst lyr lyrc col llist olderr lc_errtrap

    (defun lc_errtrap (s)
    (if (/= s "Function cancelled")
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
    (command "UNDO" "EN")
    (setq *error* olderr)
    olderr *error*
    *error* lc_errtrap

    (setvar "ERRNO" 0)
    (setq en1 nil)
    nestsel nentsel
    "\nno Nesting/Select Nested Object on Layer to Change> : "
    (command "UNDO" "BE")
    (while (and (= (getvar "ERRNO") 0) (not en1))
    (initget "N")
    (setq en1 (nestsel nestprompt))
    (if en1
    ((= en1 "N")
    (if (= nestsel entsel)
    nestsel nentsel
    "\nno Nesting/Select Nested Object on Layer to Change> : "
    nestsel entsel
    "\nNested/Select Object on Layer to Change> : "
    (setq en1 nil)

    ((= (type en1) 'list)
    ;;;swiped this from ET's xlist.lsp 7-12-01
    (setq inest (length (last en1)))
    ;;The next if statement handles block within blocks. iNest = 1 means no
    nesting. Since (nentsel) goes all the
    ;;way to the root AutoCAD object we have to traverse back up to the top
    level of the nesting to get a block name.
    (if (and (> inest 1) (= 'ename (type (car (last en1)))))
    (setq nlst (entget (nth (- inest 2) (last en1))))
    ;;else last last our way back up to the top block definition
    (setq nlst (entget (car en1)))
    ;;then pull the list from the standard nentsel call.
    (setq chk (car (last en1)))
    (setq olst (entget (car en1)))
    (if (and (= (type chk) (quote ename)) (> inest 1))
    (if (not nlst)
    (setq nlst (entget (car (last en1))))
    (setq bnm (cdr (assoc 2 nlst)))
    (setq blst (tblsearch "BLOCK" bnm))
    (setq cde (cdr (assoc 70 blst)))
    (cond ((= cde 0) (setq flist nlst))
    ((= cde 2) (setq flist olst))
    ((= cde 44) (setq flist olst))
    ((= cde 48) (setq flist nlst))
    ((= cde 50) (setq flist nlst))
    ((= cde 36) (setq flist olst))
    (setq flist olst)
    (setq lyr (cdr (assoc 8 flist)))
    (setq lyrc (cdr (assoc 62 (tblsearch "LAYER" lyr))))
    (strcat "\n\nSelecting Color for Layer " lyr " .......\n")
    (setq col (acad_colordlg (abs lyrc) nil))
    (if (not col)
    (setq llist (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" lyr)))
    (setq llist (subst (cons 62 col) (assoc 62 llist) llist))
    (entmod llist)
    (setvar "ERRNO" 0)
    (setq en1 nil)
    (t (princ))
    (if (= (getvar "ERRNO") 7)
    (setvar "ERRNO" 0)

    (command "UNDO" "EN")
    (setq *error* olderr)
    Josh, Jul 9, 2004
  4. Patrick Cole

    larry Guest

    this is what I use

    (DEFUN C:colo (/ E VLAOBJ OB CO)
    (setq e (CAR
    (nentsel "\nSelect nested xref or object to change color by layer: ")

    (setq vlaobj
    (vlax-ename->vla-object e)
    (setq ob
    (vlax-get-property vlaobj 'LAYER)

    larry, Jul 9, 2004
  5. Patrick Cole

    David Kozina Guest

    YES!, scare the user into submission...

    David Kozina, Jul 9, 2004
  6. Patrick Cole

    Patrick Cole Guest

    Thanks for the help! I'm sure one (or all) of these will make my life

    Thanks again - Patrick
    Patrick Cole, Jul 9, 2004
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