Looking for a clue with one puting in webing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by flyaboo, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. flyaboo

    flyaboo Guest

    I am trying to make a pretty complex case for the first time. The
    problem I am having is how do I put in the supporting webbing? How do I
    make the internal wall conform the the shell I made?
    flyaboo, Nov 30, 2004
  2. flyaboo

    matt Guest

    Not sure what you're talking about, what kind of case? Sheetmetal,
    injection mold, is it a private detective kind of case? Some clues might
    be helpful if you're looking for help.

    Anyway, that said, there is a new function in SW05 called "Indent". It's
    not a great name, I'd probably call it "conform" or something like that,
    but what it allows you to do is to in essence is to conform one part to a
    set of others, with a specified gap. Specifically, if you were making an
    enclosure for electronics, you would use this to conform the enclosure
    around the existing parts, at some specified gap. Kind of like a
    combination of the Offset Surface, Shell and Cavity commands. It might not
    be incredibly intuitive to use, and may require some experimentation.

    You might be tempted to use the Deform, Surface Push command, but to me
    this is useless. It almost does a similar thing, but the output geometry
    cannot be called "intentional" by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not
    sure what problem it was meant to solve.

    If you're making an injection molded part and need to make ribs (supporting
    webbing?), the Rib command might be handy for that. One of my favorite
    commands cuz it lets you break most of the sketch rules.

    anyway, good luck.

    matt, Dec 1, 2004
  3. flyaboo

    matt Guest

    ....another thought. The Rib tool might be used in conjunction with a
    sketch tool called Intersection Curve, and then changing the intersection
    curve to construction geometry and offsetting it. This would require a
    sketch plane that goes through the centerplane of the rib.

    matt, Dec 1, 2004
  4. flyaboo

    flyaboo Guest

    Sorry injection molding. I think I got the sheet metal down pretty well.
    I used that for the frame of the machine I am working one. I got the
    first part back from the shop and it works so I think I did okay with
    the sheet metal.
    I will take a look at the rib command.
    flyaboo, Dec 1, 2004
  5. flyaboo

    flyaboo Guest

    The rib tool worked. Just had to spend some time with the online help.
    flyaboo, Dec 1, 2004
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