Logitech Wireless Mouse Performance

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bernie Mares, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. Bernie Mares

    Bernie Mares Guest

    I went wireless about a year ago and am on my second one. Still not real
    satisfied. Any comments or ideas of why the mouse is so "Hard" to move and
    control. Maybe I should give it up and go back to the mouse with cord since
    it works just fine. I have learned how to use this wireless but it is
    really difficult and hard to control.

    currently using cordless trackman wheel logitech MN TRA18

    Could my settings be off?? I think it is the design of the ball or

    Bernie Mares
    Bernie Mares, Jan 27, 2004
  2. Is there someone within a 40' radius from you that is using the same mouse.
    I ran into that we have 3 in our group and the wireless mouse worked great
    for about a week and all of the sudden we are all controlling eachother's
    mice but as far as your screen goes it just seems like it is slugish and

    Corey Scheich, Jan 27, 2004
  3. Bernie Mares

    kenneth b Guest

    go with optical (cord). i use a mx310, works fine
    kenneth b, Jan 28, 2004
  4. Bernie Mares

    Krister L Guest

    I'm on a cordless trackman wheel aswell ..been for many yrs now......and the
    only problem I've discovered so far is when my cellphone is recieving or
    sending, the mouse becomes very sluggish. Otherwise it works great...have
    one at the office and one at home.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 28, 2004
  5. Bernie Mares

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    We use Logitech wireless exclusively in our office. No issues. I notice
    the type of behavior you're describing if my receiver gets tucked too far
    under my monitor. I notice the mouse doesn't seem to transmit as far as the
    keyboard. Also make sure you're using good batteries, like high power
    rechargeable NiMH (same as used in digicams). As someone else suggested,
    look for extraneous RF interference. Either someone else with a similar
    device or some other source.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 28, 2004
  6. Bernie Mares

    Scott Guest


    Since your using Logitech - Are you guys using the middle button to do all
    your scrolling and zooming in SW? I have a Logitech Trackball, but I can't
    figure out how to make it work in SW. Now the one thing that I know is
    probably going to be different is the fact I'm hooked up through a Switch
    box. So my mouse is seen as a 3 button logitech mouse with wheel, but I
    still can't get the zoom to work with it.

    Do you or anyone have any suggestions on how to setup a Logitech mouse to
    zoom in SW? I have a MS mouse and it works fine.

    Scott, Jan 28, 2004
  7. Bernie Mares

    Kev Parkin Guest

    Initially I had similar issues, I had no end of trouble when mousing
    over a very soft mouse mat, I changed this to a more rigid one and
    everything has been fine since.

    Sometimes I get a slight loss of control when the batteries are
    running low, I now keep a spare set charged for such occasions.

    Hope this helps.

    Kev Parkin, Jan 28, 2004
  8. Bernie Mares

    Krister L Guest

    I haven't set mine up for zooming in SW....I use the spacemouse for
    that....but the trackman wheel is zooming in/out with the wheel anyhow...and
    scrolling in other programs.....by default I guess.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Jan 28, 2004
  9. Bernie Mares

    kenneth b Guest

    i use microsoft driver [5.1.2600.0] it allows my wheel to zoom, pan (+ ctrl)
    & rotate (press & drag). i think the logitech driver & software need to be
    kenneth b, Jan 28, 2004
  10. Bernie Mares

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Yes, we do use the wheel/button for panning and zooming. Awesome usability.
    I don't have any issues with it using the mouse. We've never used
    trackballs so I can't help firsthand. We don't use the Logitech mouse
    driver, we prefer the WindowsXP Pro built in driver. But I can tell you
    that the Logitech drivers for our stuff completely munged up the wheel
    button. You have to go into the driver settings and disable autoscroll or
    something like that and set it to act as middle button. There may be some
    other monkeying in the driver also. I stopped using the Logitech driver
    because of the middle wheel button, but I did get it to work.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 28, 2004
  11. Bernie Mares

    Scott Guest

    That's what I'm using is the Logitech driver and was wondering if that was
    the same driver you were using. It sounds like you are using the MS driver
    and that works for you. I was wondering if you did have the Logitech driver
    how you got it to work. My mouse being a Trackball makes no difference. I do
    have an MS optical mouse on my laptop and I can get the Panning and Zooming
    to work there with the wheel.

    Thanks for the clarification. Wish Logitech would provide more Wheel support
    like M$ does.

    Scott, Jan 28, 2004
  12. Bernie Mares

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Hey Scott, Yes, we use the MS drivers because it's more trouble free within
    SW. I think the problem is that Logitech provides *too* much wheel support.
    Meaning their driver wants to control the wheel through programming -
    autoscroll or blah blah. I believe SW is looking for a "dumb" wheel. If
    that makes sense.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 28, 2004
  13. Bernie Mares

    Arlin Guest

    That's what I'm using is the Logitech driver and was wondering if that was
    Check this thread out:

    another Logitech user there had similar problems, which I think he fixed
    (and included instructions).
    Arlin, Jan 28, 2004
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