Logitech MX700

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Bill Dickens, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Logitech lied.

    Called them before I bought it and was told that all of the 8 buttons were
    available for other assignments of my choice.

    So where is ALT in the choice list? Not there at all.
    Getting the roller to work like the Intellimouse explorer seems impossible
    as well as the right mouse button.

    Amazing the amount of design effort and time spent in developing such a
    sloopy looking piece of junk.

    The guys from logitech think that they're pretty smart and want no
    suggestions since they got it "all figured out". Bank on it... THEY DON'T.

    Exceedingly un-ergonomic in design.
    The scroller target is simply crude and ugly.
    The image of the mouse with the buttons is illegible.
    Truely an amateur effort.

    It's going right back to the store tomorrow in haste.
    Such a waste! And I went out of my way to get it. Yeeeugh!

    Bill Dickens, Jul 31, 2003
  2. Bill Dickens

    SamuelG Guest

    Use the keyboard Bill :)

    Kind Regards,
    Samuel G. McCammond
    Galilee Engineering Design Services

    Tel: (011) 455 2963
    Fax:(011) 455 2950
    Cell: 083 266 7396
    SamuelG, Jul 31, 2003
  3. Bill Dickens

    Bill Dickens Guest

    Sam! I epoxied all my keys on my CAD station.

    Thanks Chris, but it's going back to the store in the next several hours.

    I cringe at looking at the target and It is so unergonomic as to be

    It's the classic case of design vs. styling.

    Why anyone would conceive of and add buttons doing what the roller already
    does is a classic case of UnderOverThink.

    That baby is styled to hell and gone, but it is functionally crap. The boys
    at Logitech are simply stylists... might make more money doing black hair,
    for the Hair Wars Expo here in Detroit.

    This is not to say that the Intellimouse Explorer has reached any sort of
    real goal, but it is far more professionaly done.

    Bill Dickens, Jul 31, 2003
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