Logitech MX400

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ed, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Ed

    Ed Guest

    Has anyone used this mouse with SW. The wheel apparently can scroll
    in two axis, (ie. up and down and left and right).


    Ed, Jun 14, 2007
  2. Ed

    Reaper2561 Guest


    Yeah, I have one. I ended up disabling the left/right ability due to
    my dexterity, or lack of, issues. It seemed cool at first, but it got
    to where I was always going up and to the right and down and to the
    left. Driving the mouse like I was drunk. If I had time, I am sure I
    could get used to it. Every now and then I wished I had it enabled.

    Reaper2561, Jun 14, 2007
  3. Ed

    Jason Guest

    Same here, I disabled the left/right wheel scroll cause it was messing
    up when rotating the model. Plus the wheel is hard to push down......I
    wouldn't buy it again.
    Jason, Jun 14, 2007
  4. Ed

    jburtonSW Guest

    Got to agree... all these new roller, left, right, in, out, shake it
    all about scroll wheels make it difficult to use the middle button!
    the amount of times i zoom in or out when i want to rotate drives me
    up the wall!

    Try the microsoft laptop laser mouse if you need to make yourself feel
    better, it is the worst of the lot!
    you will go back to your logitech scroll wheel and wonder why you ever
    moaned about it :)
    jburtonSW, Jun 14, 2007
  5. Ed

    Stabil Guest

    I have one and like it a lot - but I'm also using a 3d controller in
    the left hand, so I'm not needing to use the wheel for a third button.
    I like the two buttons for and aft of the scroll wheel. I have them
    set up as "enter" and "delete" keys.
    Stabil, Jun 15, 2007
  6. Ed

    321design Guest

    Speaking of mice,
    I am always trying to improve the ergonomics while working on SW
    especially when it comes to the efficiency of my hand movements. I
    have a keyboard with the num pad on the left, several hot keys set
    for common commands on the left side of the keyboard; Q for delete, S
    for sketch line, C for sketch circle, D for dimension, etc. Wish I
    could afford a Space Pilot (boss won't spring for it).
    My mouse sensitivity is set for minimal movement. I periodically put
    talcum powder under my mouse to reduce "stiction" ( slight sticking
    before the mouse moves)- -AKA bearings. It really helps - nothing
    worse then a sticky mouse.

    321design, Jun 15, 2007
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