Locking the UCS (X,Y,Z Co-ord's)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by deegola, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. deegola

    deegola Guest

    I am trying to set up buttons that move what you have selected a set amount..for instance up or down 3 feet.

    The problem has become that depending on what view I am in X,Y,Z are not always the same direction.

    How can I lock the co-ordinates?


    DJ Deltenre
    deegola, Oct 26, 2004
  2. deegola

    Tom Smith Guest

    Look into the trans function, or else temporarily set the UCS to World and
    set it back when you're done.
    Tom Smith, Oct 26, 2004
  3. deegola

    deegola Guest

    Didn't understand what you meant about 'look into the trans function' but I did get the UCS world to set, problem is that it doesn't stay when you switch to different views. How can I set it to world by default and stay that way?


    DJ Deltenre
    deegola, Oct 26, 2004
  4. deegola

    Tom Smith Guest

    Trans is a lisp function to translate coordinates from one coordinate system
    to another. It's covered in the developer documentation.

    If the UCS changes when you change views, it's because the views were
    created that way. When saving a view, you have an option to save the ucs
    with the view. The predefined views are already set up that way, and I don't
    think you can force that to be different without redefining the views. Your
    button needs to set the UCS to world at the time the button is pushed, then
    set it back when it's done.

    Just do what you want manually, write down the steps, and put it all on a
    button. It might be something of the form:

    pause for selection

    If you did it with lisp, you could do something like:

    (setq sset (ssget))
    (command "move" sset "" (trans '(0 0 36) 0 1)
    Tom Smith, Oct 26, 2004
  5. deegola

    GTASteve Guest

    I think what you are after, is the UCS command.

    If you use it, just pick <World> (the default), and the coordinates will adjust to the WCS.

    For the record, when you choose (Top,Front,Left,Right, etc) AutoCAD automatically rotates the UCS for you, to apply to the view you are about to look at.

    If you want to "rotate" your view, without adjusting the UCS, you can try...

    E.g. to get the FRONT VIEW, from the TOP VIEW, without changing from the WCS...
    VPOINT [enter]
    270 [enter]
    0 [enter]


    GTASteve, Oct 26, 2004
  6. deegola

    deegola Guest

    What I ended up with was this....I just edited my view buttons on my toolbar to include _ucs world to the end of the command so when I switch views, it re-orientates it.

    I am just used to Studio Max, where X,Y, Z don't really change.

    Everyone here has been very helpful, and my CAD is really starting to come around and become much more customized, and easy to use!

    Thanks again,

    DJ Deltenre
    deegola, Oct 27, 2004
  7. deegola

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Look into UCSVP. It locks the UCS active in individual viewports.
    OLD-CADaver, Oct 27, 2004
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