Lock toolbar?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jasenka, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Jasenka

    Jasenka Guest

    I have a problem with toolbar "object properties" in ACAD menu group. I
    added one more button to it - properties. Every time I open map 6, toolbar
    isn't where I put it last time. I tried exporting and importing that profile
    (*.arg), but every time is the same. Is there any way to lock a toolbar?
    Shouldn't acad.mns change every time I change positions or contents of
    anything on the screen?

    Jasenka, Jan 9, 2004
  2. Jasenka

    BillZ Guest

    The .mns will not change if there is a .mnc file that matches.

    From the help files:
    If an MNS file is found, AutoCAD looks for a compiled menu (MNC) file of the same name in the same directory. If AutoCAD finds a matching MNC file with the same or later date and time as the MNS file, it loads the MNC file. Otherwise, AutoCAD compiles the MNS file, generating a new MNC file in the same directory, and loads that MNC file.

    Try deleting the .mnc file.

    BillZ, Jan 9, 2004
  3. Jasenka

    Tom Smith Guest

    Try deleting the .mnc file.

    Wrong, read your own post. If the mns has been modified since the last
    compilation (mns has later date than mnc), then Acad will automatically
    recompile the newer mnc, when it opens. Yoiu can force a recompilation, if
    the mns has changed, simply by closing and reopening Acad. If you're in a
    hurry you can use the menu or menuload commands to force a recompilation
    right now. In either case it isn't necessary to delete the mnc or mnr files,
    as they are always overwritten on compilation.

    I think the positioning of toolbars is a separate issue. I don't know about
    map6, but lots of people have complained about toolbars not staying where
    they put them. I think it had something to do with Acad placing its toolbars
    before it places custom ones -- there are some arrangements that just won't
    seem to "stick."

    the same name in the same directory. If AutoCAD finds a matching MNC file
    with the same or later date and time as the MNS file, it loads the MNC file.
    Otherwise, AutoCAD compiles the MNS file, generating a new MNC file in the
    same directory, and loads that MNC file.
    Tom Smith, Jan 9, 2004
  4. I've had to delete the mnc and mnr files to get toolbar changes to
    take affect. Simple changing the mns file doesn't get it done.
    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Jan 9, 2004
  5. Jasenka

    Tom Smith Guest

    Whatever you say. "Simply changing the mns" has worked perfectly for me from
    R14 through 2004, since I've been managing custom menus stored locally, for
    about 25 users. When I change the custom menu I simply redistribute the mns
    file. It recompiles automatically, exactly as the help file describes, the
    next time Acad is opened. Impatient types can use menulaod to force a
    recompilation without exiting Acad. So I've seen a few hundred successful
    recompilations by this method in the last year alone, and there has never
    been a case where anything had to be deleted first. As the manual says, the
    recompilation is automatic when the mns is more recent than the mnc.
    Tom Smith, Jan 9, 2004
  6. After I posted I did a test.

    1. Modified the mns to add a button.
    2. Restarted Acad, no new button.
    3. Used Menuload, no new button.
    4. Delete mnc & mnr, New button after restart.

    I have no idea why it doesn't work for me. I learned of deleting
    those two files from this group. Others are having the same problems.
    Wonder why?

    Ken Alexander
    Windows2000 Prof.

    "We can't solve problems by using the same kind
    of thinking we used when we created them."
    --Albert Einstein
    Ken Alexander, Jan 9, 2004
  7. Jasenka

    BillZ Guest

    What you say is true if Jasenka is manually changing the .mns.
    But according to the post Jasenka is asking if the .mns gets changed through making changed through the interface.
    By looking in the file explorer it doesn't although I see the changes the next time I start AutoCAD. So I am thinking it gets saved to the registery or somewhere else.

    BillZ, Jan 9, 2004
  8. Jasenka

    Tom Smith Guest

    Yes, as I said, I think the positioning is a separate issue. I remember
    seeing some posts on toolbars not staying in position, having to do with the
    order in which they're loaded. I know there have been some arrangements that
    won't "stick" for me, back as far as R14. For instance, I can't put a custom
    toolbar to the left or above an Acad toolbar.

    through making changed through the interface.
    next time I start AutoCAD. So I am thinking it gets saved to the registery
    or somewhere else.
    Tom Smith, Jan 9, 2004
  9. Jasenka

    Tom Smith Guest

    Who knows? Deleting the mnc and mnr will certainly work to force a
    recompilation. Perhaps it needs to be a new date as opposed to just a later
    time to trigger the automatic recompile.
    Tom Smith, Jan 9, 2004
  10. Jasenka

    jb Guest

    Positions of toolbars are saved in window's registry, so you can
    change it by modifying them (screen coordinates).
    jb, Jan 10, 2004
  11. As far as the toolbars moving, here is exactly why it happens:

    Acad displays toolbars in the order the menus are loaded.
    If it encounters a toolbar that is supposed to be on the third row, but no third rows exist, it puts the toolbar on the
    second row. This causes the pileup of toolbars being shifted around.

    I have asked them to fix this as there is no workaround!
    Profile exports and imports are irrelevent to the subject, the info in the registry is not the problem. Acad does a
    great job of recording where stuff is supposed to be, it just has problems putting it there.

    "Jasenka" <>
    |>I have a problem with toolbar "object properties" in ACAD menu group. I
    |>added one more button to it - properties. Every time I open map 6, toolbar
    |>isn't where I put it last time. I tried exporting and importing that profile
    |>(*.arg), but every time is the same. Is there any way to lock a toolbar?
    |>Shouldn't acad.mns change every time I change positions or contents of
    |>anything on the screen?

    James Maeding
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Jan 20, 2004
  12. Jasenka

    BillZ Guest

    Thanks James,

    For clearing that up.

    BillZ, Jan 20, 2004
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