lock format sheets?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by m, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. m

    m Guest

    Is it possible to lock the format sheets so they cannot be changed by a
    m, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Not that I know if you have control of the users you can create a macro that
    would watch a drawing function. The only one I could seem to get to not
    allow you to access the sheet format was watch for a selection change and
    call swDraw.editsheet the only problem is you need to come up with some way
    of only calling "editSheet" when the sheet format is activated. I didn't
    see anything that would get the current sate for this. Could anyone
    enlighten me is the Sheet Format considered a view or something. Or is
    there a way to check if it is activated. I have had other instances where
    this would be nice to know. Someone that has more knowledge than I could
    refine this ability.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 25, 2003
  3. Ok I stubled across this. This will keep users in your group from editing a

    In the link below I explain how to set up a macro to handle the
    notifications of the useres in your Engineering group.


    Add this to the macro. Then if you need to edit a template open the VBA
    editor select your event watching macro and hit stop. This isn't extremely
    secure but it's atleast a stepping stone will get you started. If you put
    this in a dll or exe it would be much more secure. You could probably add a
    simple password or something then.

    Private Function swDrw_NewSelectionNotify() As Long

    If swDrw.GetEditSheet = False Then
    Msgbox "You aren't aloud to edit Templates!"
    End If

    End Function

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Nov 4, 2003
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