Loading pcell failing

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Shankar, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Shankar

    Shankar Guest

    Since yesterday pcell skills are loading in the CIW. It gives out a
    warning message saying

    *WARNING* Can't execute procedure 'pcGenCell' to check superMaster.

    I want to add cyclic field and radio field in the parameter section of
    the skill file.

    Can someone help me out in these two issues

    Shankar, Apr 12, 2006
  2. The first issue probably gave more information than that. Can't really tell
    without seeing the code.

    As for cyclic field and radio buttons - this is done not in the pcell, but would
    be done using the CDF for the component. Look at the Component Description
    Format documentation in cdsdoc for more details.

    Your question is a little light on details, so my answer is similarly light...

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 12, 2006
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