Loading Menus

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Laurie Comerford, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    When AutoCAD closes down it writes the current menu structure to the
    registry. The key is:

    Where xx.x is the AutoCAD version reference: and is 16.0 for R2004 and 16.1
    for R2005
    yyy is a product type and for Land Desktop Civil Series 2004 is 318
    zzz is a language reference and is 409 for English
    ABCDEF is a product description and for me is Land Desktop

    Within this key are values
    etc. These hold the names of MenuGroups and the file path and name of
    loaded menu files

    A further set of data
    etc up to Pop24 as a maximum, (By limited experiments values over 24 are
    ignored if they exist and AutoCAD does not create more than 24 other than
    for the 500 series Pops for response to Mouse clicks)
    holds descriptions of the currently displayed Pop menus with data like:
    GroupName Popx
    where x is the number of the Pop menu defined in the file.

    I have been writing this data to the registry with a VB program to load
    menus for our programs during installation. (The program has safeguards to
    protect existing menu structures and merely appends the ones I want if there
    is room in the registry.)

    The system seems to have worked reliably for the last few years, but
    recently I have found some instances where it has failed to display the Pop
    menus when AutoCAD starts up. The menu file is loaded, but the user has to
    use menuload to actually display the menus.

    I am looking for some other setting or information which may affect the
    analysis above.

    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Aug 21, 2004
  2. You can add 2 lines in *.mnl flie:
    Anatoliy Kurgan, Aug 22, 2004
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