From a VBA routine, how do you call a routine from a .dvb file that is not loaded yet? -mjm
Straight from one of my projects. LoadDVB "Z:\RAA_UTIL04\RAA.dvb" RunMacro "Startup.Startup" Regards - Nathan
I knew about that one. But it doesn't work so well in this case cause most of the time it won't be called.
Let me make sure I'm understanding what you are looking for. You have projectA Inside projectA are subs or modules, or something.... Now you have projectB From inside projectB, you will sometimes call items that are already subroutines inside projectA You are looking for a "demand load and then release" type of binding there? Wherein the second project is loaded only when needed, and then unloaded?
Public Sub BillOfMaterial() Const sProject As String = "T:\Engineering Supt\ProgrammingData\jproBOM.dvb" Const sMacro As String = "jproMainBom.NewBom" 'jproMainBom is the module name 'NewBom is the macro name 'open file LoadDVB sProject 'macro to run RunMacro sMacro 'close file UnloadDVB sProject End Sub HTH, Kevin