Loading a Profile in a Deployment Package

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by paul.trotter, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. paul.trotter

    paul.trotter Guest

    Hi, I have a profile (ACAD.arg) on a network drive (T:) I created a deplyment package for AutoCAD 2005 with the network install manager, but can't figure out how to have the install go to my T-drive and load this profile rather than the default Unnamed Profile. There is a step in the network install manager where it allows you to name the default profile, but this doesn't do anything but change the name. I need it to look out on my T-drive, and load the ACAD.arg customized profile with every network install. Please help!
    paul.trotter, Feb 4, 2005
  2. Paul,
    I found a posting here not long ago that talked about a lisp file that ships with AutoCAD. That file, by Autodesk, has routines in it that loads .arg files at startup. Here is what I did: I created a special desktop startup icon that includes a /b switch. The /b switch executes a .scr file upon startup.

    My startup Icon contains this line as the target:
    "C:\Program Files\Land Desktop 2005\acad.exe" /b C:\HFToolbox\Config2005HFI.scr

    My script contains the following lines:
    (load "C:\\Program Files\\Land Desktop 2005\\Support\\sample-profile-util.lsp")
    (sample-profile-import "C:\\Program Files\\Land Desktop 2005\\lddt.arg" "Land Desktop" T)
    (sample-profile-import "C:\\Program Files\\Land Desktop 2005\\Map.arg" "Map" T)
    (sample-profile-import "C:\\MyNameMenu\\mylddt2005.arg" "My Land Desktop" T)
    (sample-profile-import "C:\\MyNameMenu\\mymap2005.arg" "My Map" T)
    (sample-profile-set-active "Land Desktop")

    The first line loads the Autodesk Lisp file.
    The next 4 lines load 4 custom Profiles into my installation via the that Lisp routine.
    The last line sets one of the now loaded Profiles current.
    There is a carrage return (which you can't see) after the last line to complete the script.

    Once I have the Profiles loaded I can trash my Special customization startup icon and just use the 4 Icons we use to directly open any one of our 4 in-house customized profiles

    I hope this helps.
    Good Luck.

    Mike Partenheimer
    CAD Manager
    Hall & Foreman, Inc.
    Michael Partenheimer, Feb 5, 2005
  3. paul.trotter

    paul.trotter Guest

    Thanks Mike, I'll give it a try!
    paul.trotter, Feb 5, 2005
  4. paul.trotter

    hutton Guest


    This post was a while back, but as I've just started here, thought I'd add my bit.
    As Michael Partenheimer suggests, you should create a desktop startup icon for AutoCAD 2005.
    The switch you need, however, ist /p which should be followed by the network address of the .arg file. You should use the UNC name instead of the Network drive letter.

    The entry should look something like this:

    "Drive\Program Path\AutoCAD Map 3D 2005\acad.exe" /p "\\Servername\Share name\ACAD.arg"

    Make sure you use the quotation marks if there are blanks in any of the Folder or Filenames.
    Hope this helps

    hutton, Mar 10, 2005
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